Collaborate Like Cardi

Sooooo, I kicked 2018 off by teaching a visibility and relelvancy series on Facebook. Last night’s lesson was on Getting Comfortable with Colloboration if you want to remain visible and relevant between projects. This also happened last night.


That’s right Carbi B and Bruno Mars teamed up and dropped a dope ode to the 90s video. Now for those of you side eyeing me for even supporting, celebrating, and using Carbi B as a teaching point because you don’t like her messaging–you’ve been focusing on the wrong thing for so long you missed the methods and all the lessons she’s been teaching us on how to get this schmoney. For those of you who are concerned about what I’m watching you should be more concerned about how I’m walking (stay focused).

Cardi B closed out 2017 with two major collabos and opened 2018 with an awesome collaboration. If you want to elevate your brand in 2018 you better learn to collaborate like Cardi B. The method can be broken like this visibility + versatility = coins.

Here are 3 Tips to Help You Start Collaborating Like Cardi:

1. Each collaboration that Cardi B has been featured in has showcased the Trap Selena in either a different genre or a different side of Cardi as an artist demonstrating she isn’t a one trick pony. Do your collaborations allow you show your versatility?

2. With the exception of Cardi’s collaboration with Bruno Mars. She thoroughly promoted each collabo, by sharing snippets, footage, and thanking them. Bruno pulled a fast action move and dropped the video just when she started prompting it, but it worked. They’re trending and after the trend comes the checks. What’s your promotion strategy look like after you secure strategic collaborations?

3. Each collaboration has been with an artist that is at the top of their game or will introduce Cardi to a new and more diversified audience. Who are the influencers, authors, and brands that you should be collaborating with. Have you been talking to the same people online everyday and wondering why your PayPal isn’t blinging? It’s time for you to start collaborating like Cardi.

I don’t know what your goals for 2018 are, but if you clicked on the link to this blog or you’re following me then I know that one of your goals is to glow up. However, you have not been able to get in front of the right people to support your vision, you don’t want to waste time on investing in tactics that don’t make sense, and don’t fit your brand.

That’s why I’m hosting the Collaborate Like Cardi Masterclass. This step-by-step Collaborate Like Cardimasterclass will show you exactly how to easily identify which collaborations are key for your brand, exactly what you should showcase in these collaborations to increase your conversions, and how to gain collaborations even when no one is looking for you.  Register for this class and start creating the collaborations you need to collect more coins in 2018, immediately. 

#WriterWednesday: 5 Tips to Get Your Book Done Quick

There’s this story burning inside of you. It’s a blistering kind of heat that you just can’t escape. However, you still haven’t completed your book. You’re somewhere between start and stuck. It’s time to move forward and get this book done quickly.

There’s this story burning inside of you. It’s a blistering kind of heat that you just can’t escape. However, you still haven’t completed your book. You’re somewhere between start and stuck. It’s time to move forward and get this book done quickly.

Use the 5 Tips I’m about to share with you so that you can go from start to finish. Because it’s time.

1. Sit your behind down and write. Stop thinking about writing. Stop talking about writing.Stop romanticizing writing, sit yourself in a chair and get to typing or writing.

Girl at the table typing on a typewriter, vintage photo effect

2. Establish a concrete timeline for the publication of your book. The first thing I ask any of Publishing Pow-Wow clients is, “When would you like to see your book in the hands of the reader?” Defining this helps set all other goals. This timeline will become the basis and foundation for you to get things done quickly. When do you want to see your book on shelves–six months from now two months from now two years from now? This will inform your word count goal and the development of your marketing plan (yes, you have to market the book). Some say you have to write everyday and there are others who say it’s okay to take break between the words. This timeline will tell you whether or not you can afford to take a break.

3. Outline your book. I’m sure you’ve heard of the great debate by now–to plot or to pants. I am mostly a pantser. However, when you reach a point in your manuscript where you just can’t write, it’s time to put your pants on and plot it out. Here’s a lose plot formula you can follow:

Plot driven: Protagonist–goal+motivation+obstacle+pursuit+obstacle+motivation revisited+earth shattering obstacle/revelation+decision to fight or take flight+aftermath=the end

Character Driven: inciting incident +goal+flaw+confrontation or obstacle+character ignores flaw and keeps on going+confrontation or obstacle character admits flaw but doesn’t changes=death or change (the flaw begins to have a tremendous impact on character) it’s time for change or go down with sinking ship.

Resources for outlining your novel book:

8 Ways to Outline a Novel

-11 Easy Steps to Outline Your Novel (this was way too much for me to absorb)

Outline Your Novel in 30 Minutes (I really like this one)

9 Questions for 25 Chapters (I’m going to try this one–I’m behind on several deadlines)

4. Use your technology to get it done. I get it you’re all over the place. You have kids. You have a full-time job or demanding career, so there’s very little time for playing with words, which is why you need to steal time and allow technology to work for you. If you don’t have time to sit down and write yet you see whole scenes in your head dictate it.

Dragon Dictation

If you’re on the go a lot like me. Use the notes function, pages, or Evernote to type your story. I typed more than half of my second novel, Seasoned with Grace on my phone and I typed the draft of this blog post on my phone.

5. Deal with all of your contaminating thoughts. Tweet: Deal with all of your contaminating thoughts.

When a river is polluted or contaminated nothing can grow there or live their. New life can’t be created (and all you science buff, who are thinking about mutations and all that jazz, don’t come for me save it for your book and let me just use this analogy). Your mind is the river and your book is the life form that is dying because of how polluted your thoughts are. This step is the most important, but had I started with this tip you wouldn’t believe me, because it’s not one of the things we really discuss when we discuss writing. Get out of your head and your feelings. Don’t let the fear of rejection block you or stop you. Rejection is going to come, “rejection is apart of the process”. Do not allow your credentials or lack thereof stop you either. For all the writing classes I’ve taken I have never taken a fiction writing class. That didn’t stop me from writing a novel and it better not stop you.

Get busy and if you need more help getting out of your head checkout the replay of the Working Writers Series Day 1.

If you’re interested in joining me for full on Working Writers’ Workshops please let me know in the comments.


Do you have any tips to help us get our books finished in a jiffy?

Drop them in the comments and fuel someone else’s greatness. 

#WriterWednesday: Comparison Kills

“Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have:

for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.”

Hebrews 13:5

You are gifted. You are a creative force to be reckoned with, but something is killing you and stunting your progress. Do you know what’s killing you?

You are killing you by comparing yourself, your success or your seeming lack thereof to other author’s successes. Stop committing writer suicide–comparison kills.

4 Ways to Change Your Focus

1. Become a trailblazer–while it’s important to know what’s out there, what’s going on, and what’s trending you don’t become a staple by following the trends. Trailblazers are monumental. Trailblazers don’t try to conform with the norm, but they operate their gifts the way they want. Many Christian Fiction novels are set in the south or a small towns, but all of my Leader Solutionswork has New York City as it’s backdrop. Why? New York is who I am as an author. I am asphalt not green grass. Now, I could imagine small town living to grab the audience and keep up with the trend, but in my mind every girl living in a small town is named Misty and speaks with a twang, but I know New Yawkers and they’re in my heart, so I write what’s in my heart. I’m blazing my trail. I don’t have time to look at the fire beside me while generating my own.

2. Know what you deserve-You don’t deserve anyone else’s success. Furthermore, you don’t want it either because you have no idea what the price of that success was. You deserve to be successful, but you can’t have the success that God has promised if you’ve got your eyes on someone else’s. Trust in His word and in the plan that he has for each one of us, “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.” (Jer. 29:11) Repeat this verse each time you find yourself eyeing someone else’s success and get happy about what God has for you.

3. Be Consistent. Be Flexible-Consistency mingled with flexibility is what makes a brand or an artist successful. Think of your favorite author or musician who’s been able to span decades. They consistently produced work, but they were flexible enough to grow with their audience. Stop looking at the accolades of authors around you and keep producing good content and just like a diamond buried in the earth someone will discover you.

4. Get Real-Some authors have teams of people promoting them, some authors have publicists that they work with on a regular basis. If you don’t have any that then be real with yourself–there are two things you can do. Either you save some duckets so that you can afford a team or publicist or pat yourself on the back for your efforts and keep going until you reach your destination. Get real about how long it takes to become a success. Rome wasn’t built in a day neither was Oprah, or J.K. Rowling. 

Bottom line stop trying to walk in other people’s shoes they’re not your size. Walk in the blessings and the calling that God has placed upon you. Own it each day and celebrate you each day. 

What advice do have for authors who committing writer suicide by comparing themselves to others? 

#WriterWednesday: How to Handle Bad Reviews

I know some of you believe that you are such excellent writers that a bad review knows better than to come around you, but the reality of it is at least once in your writing career there is going to be reader who will post a review that doesn’t sound like it’s about the book you wrote. When that does happen here are some tips on how to handle it. 

Step off of Your Pedestal

Yes, you’re brilliant. Yes, you worked hard on your book. Yes, your story line is very captivating, but you are not the end all be it all of your genre. Even Jesus the son of God, the prince of peace, the incarnate word’s ministry was criticized and very harshly. Everyone was not in love with His gospel or His work, so step off your pedestal and accept the fact that like the son of God, though you created your work for everyone some will reject you. 

Say Thank You

If you requested this review regardless of what the reviewer said make sure you say thank you. Don’t burn your bridges whether you’re a new author or an seasoned one you don’t want to build a bad reputation along side this negative review. 

Chew on the Review and Spit it Out or Use it to Nourish Your CraftPoor Customer Service Evaluation Form

This review may come with some tips that can help you in the future or it can be pure rubbish. Read it and use the tone of the reviewer and the contents of the review to determine whether or not this review is helpful. In one slightly negative review I received the first line of the review started with “The plot was good. There weren’t any grammatical errors, which is a plus.” That tells me right away that this person was reading with the intent to find something wrong and when you go fishing you’re bound to catch something. Did I take this review to heart? No. I chewed on it and spit it out. In another critical review the reviewer flip-flopped between praising my work and bashing. If you can’t pick a side I can’t take that review to heart. 

Just as a reviewer will dissect your work dissect the review–chew on it and spit it out or use it to nourish your craft. 

March Forward

You got one bad review–and President Obama has received several, he hasn’t moved out of the White House yet. Jesus received so much criticism because of His message–Israel’s leaders wanted to kill Him. That didn’t stop Him from doing the job He was sent to do and one (or two) negative reviews shouldn’t stop you in your tracks.

Write all the stories that are in you. Someone is waiting to read your book.

March forward.


I Need You (Help Me Win Book Cover Contest)

Hello friends, family, and supporters!

I need your help! It only takes a second. One-click. No Fee. No Time. No Hassle.

I have just entered my book into UBAWA’S Best Book Cover Contest. Please help me take home the prize by “liking” my book cover after clicking on the following link:

I appreciate your support!

Building My Brand (and yours)

ImageIn 2013 I signed my first book deal and as the year comes to a close I also went to my very very first photo shoot. Okay, so it was just headshots nevertheless that was major for me.

I wasn’t sure if I needed a professional photographer or not. My husband offered to shoot the photos for me since he has a pretty nice camera. Tough decision, right? Let the hubs shoot and save a few bucks or get some really great professional shots that I can send out with my author’s bio besides all the really great selfies I have on Instagram. In the end I decided to go with the pro since I am building my brand (whatever that means).


Me after the photo shoot

I’m sure that you’ve seen at least one episode of a reality show where someone chatters aimlessly about building or protecting their brand while simultaneously slapping someone or cussing someone out. Now, if you’re like me, you’ve rolled your eyes at the television and thought, how ridiculous you’re a person not a brandHowever, as authors we are a brand. We are our own brand and we must build it, promote it, and protect. 


I first realized that I was building a brand when the publishing company asked me to complete a tip sheet a few weeks ago. It was hard for me to come up with a few sentences to sell my book and ultimately sell me. It dawned on me that I was in the process of becoming a brand–I didn’t buy into it though.

This week I was confronted with the notion of building a brand when I stumbled upon a few meaty discussions in several Facebook readers and authors groups about book promotion etiquette and interacting with readers. As I probed into the matter I was reminded that now is the time for me to rally support around the book and build my brand. 

Maybe I am a tad bit naive and overzealous, maybe I take the Word too literally, but I expect that as I lift up and magnify Christ through my work He will draw people to me and bless the work of my hands. I mean John the Baptist preached in the wilderness way before Zuckerberg thought of Facebook and people came to the woods to see what was going on. 

I’m no fool though. I listened to what other authors recommended and I looked into the matter.

What does it take to build a brand and what is it that I need to do to build my brand? I don’t think the situation is any clearer for me except that I’m supposed to be an expert on something and that I’m supposed to have a message. I don’t consider myself to be an expert on anything, actually I am nothing without Christ. That’s who I am that’s my message and I don’t know if that’s enough to turn into a brand, but that’s me. That’s what I believe. That’s why I write.

What do you think it takes to build a brand? What are you doing to build, preserve, or renovate your brand?