BLOG | The Neophyte Author

Collaborate Like Cardi

Sooooo, I kicked 2018 off by teaching a visibility and relelvancy series on Facebook. Last night’s lesson was on Getting Comfortable with Colloboration if you want to remain visible and relevant between projects. This also happened last night.


That’s right Carbi B and Bruno Mars teamed up and dropped a dope ode to the 90s video. Now for those of you side eyeing me for even supporting, celebrating, and using Carbi B as a teaching point because you don’t like her messaging–you’ve been focusing on the wrong thing for so long you missed the methods and all the lessons she’s been teaching us on how to get this schmoney. For those of you who are concerned about what I’m watching you should be more concerned about how I’m walking (stay focused).

Cardi B closed out 2017 with two major collabos and opened 2018 with an awesome collaboration. If you want to elevate your brand in 2018 you better learn to collaborate like Cardi B. The method can be broken like this visibility + versatility = coins.

Here are 3 Tips to Help You Start Collaborating Like Cardi:

1. Each collaboration that Cardi B has been featured in has showcased the Trap Selena in either a different genre or a different side of Cardi as an artist demonstrating she isn’t a one trick pony. Do your collaborations allow you show your versatility?

2. With the exception of Cardi’s collaboration with Bruno Mars. She thoroughly promoted each collabo, by sharing snippets, footage, and thanking them. Bruno pulled a fast action move and dropped the video just when she started prompting it, but it worked. They’re trending and after the trend comes the checks. What’s your promotion strategy look like after you secure strategic collaborations?

3. Each collaboration has been with an artist that is at the top of their game or will introduce Cardi to a new and more diversified audience. Who are the influencers, authors, and brands that you should be collaborating with. Have you been talking to the same people online everyday and wondering why your PayPal isn’t blinging? It’s time for you to start collaborating like Cardi.

I don’t know what your goals for 2018 are, but if you clicked on the link to this blog or you’re following me then I know that one of your goals is to glow up. However, you have not been able to get in front of the right people to support your vision, you don’t want to waste time on investing in tactics that don’t make sense, and don’t fit your brand.

That’s why I’m hosting the Collaborate Like Cardi Masterclass. This step-by-step Collaborate Like Cardimasterclass will show you exactly how to easily identify which collaborations are key for your brand, exactly what you should showcase in these collaborations to increase your conversions, and how to gain collaborations even when no one is looking for you.  Register for this class and start creating the collaborations you need to collect more coins in 2018, immediately. 

#WriterWednesday: 5 Tips to Get Your Book Done Quick

There’s this story burning inside of you. It’s a blistering kind of heat that you just can’t escape. However, you still haven’t completed your book. You’re somewhere between start and stuck. It’s time to move forward and get this book done quickly.

There’s this story burning inside of you. It’s a blistering kind of heat that you just can’t escape. However, you still haven’t completed your book. You’re somewhere between start and stuck. It’s time to move forward and get this book done quickly.

Use the 5 Tips I’m about to share with you so that you can go from start to finish. Because it’s time.

1. Sit your behind down and write. Stop thinking about writing. Stop talking about writing.Stop romanticizing writing, sit yourself in a chair and get to typing or writing.

Girl at the table typing on a typewriter, vintage photo effect

2. Establish a concrete timeline for the publication of your book. The first thing I ask any of Publishing Pow-Wow clients is, “When would you like to see your book in the hands of the reader?” Defining this helps set all other goals. This timeline will become the basis and foundation for you to get things done quickly. When do you want to see your book on shelves–six months from now two months from now two years from now? This will inform your word count goal and the development of your marketing plan (yes, you have to market the book). Some say you have to write everyday and there are others who say it’s okay to take break between the words. This timeline will tell you whether or not you can afford to take a break.

3. Outline your book. I’m sure you’ve heard of the great debate by now–to plot or to pants. I am mostly a pantser. However, when you reach a point in your manuscript where you just can’t write, it’s time to put your pants on and plot it out. Here’s a lose plot formula you can follow:

Plot driven: Protagonist–goal+motivation+obstacle+pursuit+obstacle+motivation revisited+earth shattering obstacle/revelation+decision to fight or take flight+aftermath=the end

Character Driven: inciting incident +goal+flaw+confrontation or obstacle+character ignores flaw and keeps on going+confrontation or obstacle character admits flaw but doesn’t changes=death or change (the flaw begins to have a tremendous impact on character) it’s time for change or go down with sinking ship.

Resources for outlining your novel book:

8 Ways to Outline a Novel

-11 Easy Steps to Outline Your Novel (this was way too much for me to absorb)

Outline Your Novel in 30 Minutes (I really like this one)

9 Questions for 25 Chapters (I’m going to try this one–I’m behind on several deadlines)

4. Use your technology to get it done. I get it you’re all over the place. You have kids. You have a full-time job or demanding career, so there’s very little time for playing with words, which is why you need to steal time and allow technology to work for you. If you don’t have time to sit down and write yet you see whole scenes in your head dictate it.

Dragon Dictation

If you’re on the go a lot like me. Use the notes function, pages, or Evernote to type your story. I typed more than half of my second novel, Seasoned with Grace on my phone and I typed the draft of this blog post on my phone.

5. Deal with all of your contaminating thoughts. Tweet: Deal with all of your contaminating thoughts.

When a river is polluted or contaminated nothing can grow there or live their. New life can’t be created (and all you science buff, who are thinking about mutations and all that jazz, don’t come for me save it for your book and let me just use this analogy). Your mind is the river and your book is the life form that is dying because of how polluted your thoughts are. This step is the most important, but had I started with this tip you wouldn’t believe me, because it’s not one of the things we really discuss when we discuss writing. Get out of your head and your feelings. Don’t let the fear of rejection block you or stop you. Rejection is going to come, “rejection is apart of the process”. Do not allow your credentials or lack thereof stop you either. For all the writing classes I’ve taken I have never taken a fiction writing class. That didn’t stop me from writing a novel and it better not stop you.

Get busy and if you need more help getting out of your head checkout the replay of the Working Writers Series Day 1.

If you’re interested in joining me for full on Working Writers’ Workshops please let me know in the comments.


Do you have any tips to help us get our books finished in a jiffy?

Drop them in the comments and fuel someone else’s greatness. 

#FridayFinds Bejewled: Standing Strong by Chelle Ramsey

Have you ever been with someone who was locked up before? Could you imagine yourself arguing with someone about who was with him first or longer? Don’t worry if you’re not about that life this week’s #FridayFinds can help you imagine what it must be like.



The loud clatter of a curling iron falling to the floor drew everyone’s attention to Angel, who stood staring at the floor, hands shaking.

“You okay?” Georgette asked, moving closer to her friend.

“Y…yeah,” Angel muttered. She bent over to pick up the curling iron and put it back in its place. No longer able to ignore what was occurring around her, Angel walked to Antoinette’s station.

“Kianna, why are you lying? Did you purposely come to my salon to start trouble today? Because if that’s what’s going on, you need to leave. I refuse—”

Kianna cut Angel off. “Honey, please. The world don’t revolve around you, Angel. I knew you worked here, but I didn’t know you were here today. And I don’t know what you’re accusing me of lying about. I haven’t told one single lie since I been sitting in this chair, boo,” Kianna snapped.

“You’re lying about you and Black being together for thirteen years. Kianna, I met Black in 2007 when he first got out of jail, and we’d been kicking it for two years before we got married in 2009. You were nowhere around. I never heard of you, saw you, or met you until you came to work at the downtown salon in 2012,” Angel argued.

“It doesn’t matter if you heard of me, saw me, or met me until 2012; check your ex, boo. Because I was there. Matter of fact, that’s the reason I came to work for BeJeweled in the first place. I wanted to check out the competition. I have a degree in finance. Doing hair was just a little something I did on the side until I started my career. And there was no better place than BeJeweled, where you were,” she slipped in. “Pssh, me getting fired was the icing on the cake. I kept doing hair in my home on my own terms and time and found my dream job. I didn’t need this. All I needed was Black, and I got my man back,” Kianna barked, eyes narrowing.

A cold chill ran through Angel. How much of her life with Black had been a lie? What did she really know?

“Why the hell did you act like you didn’t know him the first time he came into the salon after you were hired?” Angel snapped.

“Ask him, Angel. You need to check Black. You still don’t believe me, do you?” Kianna asked, smirking.

She popped up her phone and pulled up her Facebook page. Scrolling through her posts, she pulled up a #throwbackthursday post. The caption read “#2003tbt with my boo. Cuz I’m a real ride or die chick.”


From the Author

Why I write in this genre:

ME (1)
I like to bring a refreshing perspective into the lives of my readers and I want them to find entertainment, healing and inspiration in each novel. Using real problems and challenges faced by ordinary people, I try to convey the message to readers that they can become empowered to rise above life’s adversities, with faith in God, and belief in themselves. 

My stories are relatable to individuals of diverse demographics, who have suffered a loss, been hurt, have low self-esteem, have lost hope, or need a word of encouragement. I use drama, humor, and inspiration to share a powerful and meaningful message that is designed to be impactful. Women’s fiction allows me to do just that and toss in an element of romance.





FACEBOOK: ChelleWrites

TWITTER: @UndeniablyChell

PINTEREST: ChellesBooks

INSTAGRAM: UndeniablyChelle

#FridayFinds Love, Lies, & Consequences by Natasha D. Frazier

Okay, last week it was all about taking care of the teens and now let’s deal with some adult stuff, in Love, Lies, and Consequences by Natasha D. Frazier. 



“Hold on, wait!” Tammy interrupted. “Now you know that you can’t give dude the cookie before you get engaged and then just decide to take it away,” Tammy said giggling. “I mean, seriously. You can’t blame him too much for getting upset about that. Here you were, having sex with him, get engaged to marry, then you snatch the cookie away as if you were using it as bait. Guys love sex, honey, and they generally feel like they’re moving backwards if you’re taking it away, even if you’re about to get married.” Tammy snapped her fingers to solidify her point.

Raegan’s stomach twisted into knots at Tammy’s reasoning because of how she’d let herself go with Rico. She was already feeling guilty enough about what happened between the two of them and now her friend was sitting here saying there was no going back. But Tammy wasn’t Rico, she thought.

Echoing Raegan’s thoughts, Michelle sat up straight on the couch and interjected, “Well hold on for a second now. So you’re saying that if a woman slips up and says yes once, twice or lots of times, then she can’t ever say no? What if she decides that it’s wrong and she wants to do the right thing by waiting until marriage? Then what?”

“A woman is certainly allowed to say no whenever she wants but you should understand that a guy may feel like he’s moving backwards and that usually doesn’t end well unless he agrees that the sex should wait until marriage,” Tammy said to clarify her point.

 “Can it really be serious enough to throw our relationship away?” Michelle asked as her eyes began to water, becoming frustrated again.

“I’m sorry honey, but I don’t make the rules. If you want to wait until you get married, you can’t give it up at all,” Tammy said as she moved over to sit next to Michelle. She could see that her words were really getting to her. Tammy rubbed Michelle’s back as the tears fell. Tammy continued, “Guys are like this. They simply want the cookies. If we give them up, they are going to expect to keep getting them. To them, they are receiving mixed signals if we give it up and then take it away. I know it’s hard to wait, but you have to make a choice. We’ve all had this conversation before. We want God’s blessings on our marriage whenever we get married, so we are trying to hold on to the cookies until then. Establish the boundaries up front and stick to them like our girl Rae over here,” she said as she winked at Rae.

Rae avoided making eye contact with any of them at that moment because she wasn’t sticking to her guns these days. Instead, she repositioned herself in the chair to help alleviate the awkwardness she felt in that moment.

To purchase Amazon kindle

To purchase an Autographed copy


From the Author: 

headshot (1)Why I write in this genre:

I write Christian fiction to inspire readers to grow closer to God. Through my characters, I want to encourage readers to develop a daily relationship with God and to let them know that even when they mess up, God’s love still covers us. Allow God’s love to lead you into being who you were called to be.

#MompreneurMonday Produce 3 Ways to Get Over Being Busy and Start Being Productive

Has this ever happened to you–24 hours have past and you’ve spent it doing this and that, but you feel like you’ve done nothing? You’ve definitely been busy. You’re perspiring and a good chunk of your to-do list has been checked off, but the time has not been productive. Most likely if you’ve had this experience or a similar one I know what else you’re experiencing or rather not experiencing.

to do list mom.jpeg

You’re not experiencing any type of prosperity or growth in your business. Things are happening here and there, but nothing that you could anchor yourself on.

Are you over it?

I’m over it.

Yes, this has happened to me. The first step for getting over it was one having a reality check. This tip is a bonus tip. A friend of mine sat me down and said, “Nigeria, we need to figure this out. We need to figure out what’s blocking you.” After that conversation I discovered two things that were blocking me and one of them was I was too busy to be productive.

Mompreneur, it’s time to break from being busy and not being productive and move into prosperity and growth.  Here are the three things you need to:

  1. Meditate. Psalms 1 recommends you mediate on the word of God both day and night and whatsoever you do shall prosper. Set some time up for meditating on the word of God. If you’re not used to this start with one minute a day. When you get it down pact include the family too.
  2. Automate. Automate. Automate. You can’t automate when you’re kids are going to need you to take them to the hospital and you can’t automate playing with them in the park, but you can automate your email sequences, you can automate/schedule your social media updates and respond to notifications at a later time.
  3. Organize. Instead of having things posted on a ton of different calendars and good ideas in different books and your to-do list somewhere else put it all together in one place, so you don’t have to waste time scratching your head trying to figure out what’s going on.

If you want access to a solid planner that combines everything a millennial mompreneur and faith based owner need to get organized and get PAID click here to order the Passion and Purpose Planner.


IMG_6881Can I tell you why the Passion and Purpose Planner was conceived??? Many people only share their strong side on social media, but let me keep it real with you I am organizationally challenged and easily distracted. That makes motherhood and managing a business hard. In order for a business to succeed you need organization, focus, and discipline and for a faith based brand to make bank Christ has to remain at the center. So, I created a planner that combined every aspect of running a 21st Century Faith Based Biz. 👉🏾👉🏾Click here: to order your Passion and Purpose Planner Quarterly Planner. Take a look inside the Passion and Purpose Planner. 

#FridayFinds The Girl Who Lived Behind the Fence by Mary Rodwell

It’s been awhile since I’ve done #FridayFinds, but we’re back and bringing you some good, good books. The Girl Who Lived Behind the Fence is for one of my favorite group of people to work with teens and young adults. It’s summer time and many of them have summer reading logs to complete. I recommend adding this book to the list. 


The Girl Behind the Fence

“Growing up in a high-crime area wasn’t so easy for one young girl named Tutu. She lived behind a fenced in two bedroom house with her parents and four siblings. Tutu had great hope for her family, but things changed once she received some heartbreaking news. As a result, she found herself over the years stepping outside that fence. Tutu was stuck between two ways of living “Hot Pursuit” versus “High Pursuit”. Based on a true story, learn how she changed her life for the good after experiencing death of a loved one, destruction and deceit.”​

Purchase link: 

From the Author

author pic
Reason I write in this genre: I believe in helping others become the success story of their environment and not the product. 
Please connect with me on Social Media: Facebook @Authormaryrodwell
Google Plus: Author Mary Rodwell 

3 Lessons from Kevin Durant’s Win

Y’all know I don’t even blog on a Tuesday, but that Golden State win was blog worthy for anyone who is passionate about taking a non-traditional career path. I particularly wanna talk about what I learned watching KD (Kevin Durant) for those of you who are not fluent in basketball (and don’t feel bad I only know a little basketball). 

So, here’s the back story for those who don’t know and for those who do don’t judge my sketchy details. Durant used to play for OKC the team was great, but couldn’t win a ring. He left and people accused him of chasing a ring and not being loyal…blah…blah…blah 

Since GSW are celebrating a win that means he chased that ring in the right direction and here are three things we can learn from his pursuit. 

Three lessons from KD’s win:
1️⃣ To level up sometimes means you have to leave the space and place where you’re most comfortable. You might be functioning well there, but are you fulfilled? Yes, Durant, Westbrook, and the bearded one were an awesome trio, but they couldn’t take him where he wanted to go. Many people criticized his decision, but it looks like a smart choice. Be careful when listening to critics because most often the people criticizing you can’t get you where you want to go, but will be quick to tell you how to get there. 

Kevin Durant Photo Credit: Salt Lake Tribune

2️⃣ Be appreciative enough of the gift to be humble and wise enough to know you’re gifted and conduct yourself as such. In the face one of basketball’s greats, Bron Bron KD didn’t falter or faint. There was no time for to think man he’s great I wish I was too. He played in his greatness. 

3️⃣ Because you’ve lost before doesn’t mean you can’t ever win. Stay in the game.  

Now when you’re ready to stop playing by the rules you usually play by and ready to work with a winning team to #getyourInheritance book a Publishing Pow-Wow and evaluate your marketing game, so you can bring home the championship. 

Did you learn anything from last night’s game or the series? Share your insight with me.

#MompreneurMonday Growing Pains

Your growth will seem outrageous to some and contagious to others. This new terrain will be difficult to navigate, but those are just growing pains. 

The same way when you experienced a growth spurt as an adolescent and certain clothes no longer fit your body type or matched your persona you’ll experience that in business and personally as well. And you know what? 

It’s okay. Seriously it’s okay. 

Roll with the changes. If that means rebranding do it. I started adding more colors to my scheme because that where I am in my walk and my talk has to match my walk. This is my business and my brand. I have to be as comfortable in it as I can and the same holds true for you. 

Give yourself space and time to align what’s going on in your mind with what you are trying to execute. That may mean saying goodbye to old systems that aren’t generating results even if they’re conviennt. 

I just trashed my entire mailing list. You know why, because I wasn’t in that space anymore and I’ve learned new things. 

As the Bible tell us you can’t pour new wine into old bottles. This may also mean removing the people in your life who don’t encourage your growth. Everyone on your team should inspire you to do greater things. I don’t mean that in a competitive way, but I mean that in terms of self-realization. The people you socialize with should be encouraging and prompting you to use your gifts more. 

If they don’t that’s not the crew for you. 

It may hurt to get rid of systems and people that you are used to, but if the people around you or your environment don’t match the growth taking place in your mind you will never move from this place and space. 

In our lives everyone around us is entitled to grow–the kids, our spouse, even the dog. 

Guess what? 

So are you. 

What are you going to do enjoy the  shift happening and embrace the growth? 

#WriterWednesday All Eyes on Me: Virtual Book Tour

Let’s break it down a bit for those who don’t know about Virtual Book Tours. A virtual book tour is when an author visits blogs, radio shows, writes guest post, etc. to share their latest work with readers during a specific period of time. The length is up to you–one week, two weeks, a month.

This your can take place before the release of your book, when the book is released, or after the release of your book. 


You have two options–hire someone to organize your tour for you or organize it yourself. Every virtual book tour I’ve been on I organized myself because at the time I didn’t have the budget. 

DYI Tips
Organize, organize, organize. If you’re not well connected in the publishing world or know a bunch of bloggers and radio show host then you’re going to have get organized, well in advance. Most bloggers schedule posts in advance and they are not going to break their timeline for you.You need to start arranging the tour six months in advance. If you don’t know many bloggers or want to step outside of your comfort zone visit Book Blogger Directory to find bloggers in your genre.

Also, be prepared to be rejected. Some bloggers will not want you, your content, or book. If you’re not going to be spending money on this tour you better be prepared to spend time putting this tour together.

  • Beware of sites in which you have to pay to be featured on their website. Yes, this a promo tour and sometimes you have to pay for promotion, but paying to be featured on a blog is a little sketchy unless that blogger has a huge audience with some guaranteed results.
  • Some radio shows charge for guests. Don’t be afraid to ask for stats and demographics. If they can’t prove they have a diverse listening audience that includes you ideal reader. Keep your coins and move on to the next one. 
  • Create graphics for free using Canva, Pic Monkey, Be Funky, or Ribbet
  • Select several different excerpts so that your fans, followers, and friends can have a rich experience while following the tour. 
  • Try to do guest post with content connected to the book and of interest to the blog audience. Those posts usually generate lots of hits. 

Know your purpose. A blog tour is to create awareness and announce your presence. Don’t go crazy if after you’ve organized this phenomenal tour the only person who buys a copy of your book is your grandmother in Toledo. People cannot purchase something that they don’t know about. A Virtual Book Tour is your introduction to them. 

Have you organized your own virtual book tour before? Share your experiences in the comments. If you haven’t tried one yet make sure you come back and let me know how it goes.

Flashlight Moments In the Dark Series Presents: Nigeria Lockley

Today is a special day! I’m featured on a special blog today! I’m a guest on my #soulsis Unoma Nwankwor’s blog today. Go check out my interview and find out how I Glow In the Dark.

Unoma Nwankwor

If you have been folowing me for a while you would be no stranger to Nigeria Lockley or as I like to call her sissy. She is my adopted online sister and business bestie. So you know I couldn’t do a series without having her on here to give you her insight. I could talk about her all day long but let me step aside so you could read for yourself.

Unoma : Who is Nigeria Lockley?

Nigeria : Nigeria Lockley is a child of the most High God, unapologetically walking in her passion and purpose. In the past whenever I would answer questions like this I would always rattle of a bunch of titles until I realized that being my titles are not where my identity lies. My identity is in my creator.

Unoma: In 10 words or less can you create a quote that describes you and your…

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