Collaborate Like Cardi

Sooooo, I kicked 2018 off by teaching a visibility and relelvancy series on Facebook. Last night’s lesson was on Getting Comfortable with Colloboration if you want to remain visible and relevant between projects. This also happened last night.


That’s right Carbi B and Bruno Mars teamed up and dropped a dope ode to the 90s video. Now for those of you side eyeing me for even supporting, celebrating, and using Carbi B as a teaching point because you don’t like her messaging–you’ve been focusing on the wrong thing for so long you missed the methods and all the lessons she’s been teaching us on how to get this schmoney. For those of you who are concerned about what I’m watching you should be more concerned about how I’m walking (stay focused).

Cardi B closed out 2017 with two major collabos and opened 2018 with an awesome collaboration. If you want to elevate your brand in 2018 you better learn to collaborate like Cardi B. The method can be broken like this visibility + versatility = coins.

Here are 3 Tips to Help You Start Collaborating Like Cardi:

1. Each collaboration that Cardi B has been featured in has showcased the Trap Selena in either a different genre or a different side of Cardi as an artist demonstrating she isn’t a one trick pony. Do your collaborations allow you show your versatility?

2. With the exception of Cardi’s collaboration with Bruno Mars. She thoroughly promoted each collabo, by sharing snippets, footage, and thanking them. Bruno pulled a fast action move and dropped the video just when she started prompting it, but it worked. They’re trending and after the trend comes the checks. What’s your promotion strategy look like after you secure strategic collaborations?

3. Each collaboration has been with an artist that is at the top of their game or will introduce Cardi to a new and more diversified audience. Who are the influencers, authors, and brands that you should be collaborating with. Have you been talking to the same people online everyday and wondering why your PayPal isn’t blinging? It’s time for you to start collaborating like Cardi.

I don’t know what your goals for 2018 are, but if you clicked on the link to this blog or you’re following me then I know that one of your goals is to glow up. However, you have not been able to get in front of the right people to support your vision, you don’t want to waste time on investing in tactics that don’t make sense, and don’t fit your brand.

That’s why I’m hosting the Collaborate Like Cardi Masterclass. This step-by-step Collaborate Like Cardimasterclass will show you exactly how to easily identify which collaborations are key for your brand, exactly what you should showcase in these collaborations to increase your conversions, and how to gain collaborations even when no one is looking for you.  Register for this class and start creating the collaborations you need to collect more coins in 2018, immediately. 

#WriterWednesday: 5 Tips to Get Your Book Done Quick

There’s this story burning inside of you. It’s a blistering kind of heat that you just can’t escape. However, you still haven’t completed your book. You’re somewhere between start and stuck. It’s time to move forward and get this book done quickly.

There’s this story burning inside of you. It’s a blistering kind of heat that you just can’t escape. However, you still haven’t completed your book. You’re somewhere between start and stuck. It’s time to move forward and get this book done quickly.

Use the 5 Tips I’m about to share with you so that you can go from start to finish. Because it’s time.

1. Sit your behind down and write. Stop thinking about writing. Stop talking about writing.Stop romanticizing writing, sit yourself in a chair and get to typing or writing.

Girl at the table typing on a typewriter, vintage photo effect

2. Establish a concrete timeline for the publication of your book. The first thing I ask any of Publishing Pow-Wow clients is, “When would you like to see your book in the hands of the reader?” Defining this helps set all other goals. This timeline will become the basis and foundation for you to get things done quickly. When do you want to see your book on shelves–six months from now two months from now two years from now? This will inform your word count goal and the development of your marketing plan (yes, you have to market the book). Some say you have to write everyday and there are others who say it’s okay to take break between the words. This timeline will tell you whether or not you can afford to take a break.

3. Outline your book. I’m sure you’ve heard of the great debate by now–to plot or to pants. I am mostly a pantser. However, when you reach a point in your manuscript where you just can’t write, it’s time to put your pants on and plot it out. Here’s a lose plot formula you can follow:

Plot driven: Protagonist–goal+motivation+obstacle+pursuit+obstacle+motivation revisited+earth shattering obstacle/revelation+decision to fight or take flight+aftermath=the end

Character Driven: inciting incident +goal+flaw+confrontation or obstacle+character ignores flaw and keeps on going+confrontation or obstacle character admits flaw but doesn’t changes=death or change (the flaw begins to have a tremendous impact on character) it’s time for change or go down with sinking ship.

Resources for outlining your novel book:

8 Ways to Outline a Novel

-11 Easy Steps to Outline Your Novel (this was way too much for me to absorb)

Outline Your Novel in 30 Minutes (I really like this one)

9 Questions for 25 Chapters (I’m going to try this one–I’m behind on several deadlines)

4. Use your technology to get it done. I get it you’re all over the place. You have kids. You have a full-time job or demanding career, so there’s very little time for playing with words, which is why you need to steal time and allow technology to work for you. If you don’t have time to sit down and write yet you see whole scenes in your head dictate it.

Dragon Dictation

If you’re on the go a lot like me. Use the notes function, pages, or Evernote to type your story. I typed more than half of my second novel, Seasoned with Grace on my phone and I typed the draft of this blog post on my phone.

5. Deal with all of your contaminating thoughts. Tweet: Deal with all of your contaminating thoughts.

When a river is polluted or contaminated nothing can grow there or live their. New life can’t be created (and all you science buff, who are thinking about mutations and all that jazz, don’t come for me save it for your book and let me just use this analogy). Your mind is the river and your book is the life form that is dying because of how polluted your thoughts are. This step is the most important, but had I started with this tip you wouldn’t believe me, because it’s not one of the things we really discuss when we discuss writing. Get out of your head and your feelings. Don’t let the fear of rejection block you or stop you. Rejection is going to come, “rejection is apart of the process”. Do not allow your credentials or lack thereof stop you either. For all the writing classes I’ve taken I have never taken a fiction writing class. That didn’t stop me from writing a novel and it better not stop you.

Get busy and if you need more help getting out of your head checkout the replay of the Working Writers Series Day 1.

If you’re interested in joining me for full on Working Writers’ Workshops please let me know in the comments.


Do you have any tips to help us get our books finished in a jiffy?

Drop them in the comments and fuel someone else’s greatness. 

#WriterWednesday I’m Into Distribution: Do You Need to be in a Bookstore to Sell Your Books

Why did you become an author? To sell books or see your books in a bookstore? We all want distribution, nationwide distribution, but does being in a store actually sell your books? 

With my latest release, Pursuing Your Passion in a Godly Fashion, I attempted to answer my own question. I didn’t do what I would typically do, put it on sale through Ingram for distribution purposes, instead I put it on sale on Gumroad and directed all traffic there. 

Initially, there were only a few pre-orders, but since it’s release at the end of October I’ve sold almost 100 books and shipped them across the country and internationally. Now maybe to you 100 books isn’t a lot, but since according to Bookscan most books don’t sell more that 250 copies within the first year of its release I’m good. 

So, do you need major distribution? According to one my students if your book isn’t in stores then you’re not doing good. You may be of a similar mindset, but that’s the wrong mindset. If a bookstore doesn’t have my book when a customer asks for it they lost a sale. While I’ve built in exclusivity for my book and I am able to keep a majority of the money from the sale. 

A bookstore doesn’t sell your book, you sell the book, your marketing efforts sell the book, readers who recommend your book sells your book. With the whole world at your fingers, literally it’s time for you to be like me–I’m into distribution. 

Is this what your dream really is?

Why sell your book to a bookstore for a deep discount with no guarantee that the book will ever leave its shelf? If you can partner with an independent bookstore that’s going to help you move the books great, but if your book is just going to become another book on the shelf–I wouldn’t recommend it.

I don’t know if I’ll ever go back to the traditional model. My ebook will still be available on Amazon, but I’m enjoying the liberty (and my dinero). 

You may be wondering what I’ve been doing to move Pursuing Your Passion in a Godly Fashion. Well, I’ll tell you what I’ve been doing: 

1. Praying. I made sure this book was soaked in the Holy Spirit. 

2. Working my marketing plan. 

3. Praying. 

Now if you need help any of these I got you–Pursuing Your Passion in a Godly Fashion: Prayers for Creative Christians and Entrepreneurs will teach you how to pray over your passion instead of slaving over your passion and if you want to work with me on your marketing, writing, or both book a Publishing Pow-Wow NOW and #getyourInheritance 

So, what’s it going to be? Is it a must for you that your book is seated on a shelf in a bookstore or are you open to exploring your option? 

#WriterWednesday 3 Ways to Set YourSelf Apart From the Pack

To be a successful published author you don’t have to do what everyone is doing. Of course there are experts out there that say you must do it exactly this way in order to replicate my success. The question is as an author did you go into publishing to be successful like them or a successful version of yourself? 

Embrace what makes you different as an author. 

Own it. 

Do it intentionally. 

It might make a few people upset, but if there was only one way to do right, if there was only one way to tell a story and make it successful we probably wouldn’t have the Gospel according to Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Each author owns there style–Matthew is an author of precision, Mark is the king of brevity, Luke though he is a trained physician is an expert in writing informally, he writes like he’s just telling a story to his homeboy, John is poetic with his parallelisms. 

There are many ways to own your space within your genre: 

1. Your book covers. Three authors I can think of you use their book covers to stand out from the rest of the authors in your genre are: 

Adrienne Thompson, a romance author whose book covers are typically artistic, handdrawn reflections of the story or characters. 

Click for more info on this author

E.N. Joy, writes Christian Fiction and her book covers are as distinct and dramatic as the stories she crafts. 

Click for more info about this author

Unoma Nwankwor writes Christian Romance. Her covers always depict a unadapted hero and a beautiful heroine that could easily be you or me. 

Click for more info about this author

2. Stand out with style. Like the writers of the gospel make some intentional stylistical choices that set you apart from the pact. You can write heavily episodic pieces, great conversational pieces, be the sultan of sultry, or the queen of sass. Do something that will help the readers recognize your voice. What’s your writing super power?

Can you twist a plot like Brian W. Smith

I deliver grit, realism of the city streets, and our urban architecture, which sets me apart from a lot of other Christian Fiction authors whose books are primarily set in southern cities or don’t give their setting a large role in the story. 

3. Don’t just be one dimensional. Create interactive social media profile across platforms incorporating some of your other strengths. If you’re very visual use Pinterest to build worlds connected to your novels or poetry. Use YouTube to vlog–you can review, rant, or express your ideas verbally, go LIVE and give your people a chance to interact with you and your content in real time.  Or take your readers on shopping trips with you via Instagram or Snapchat stories like I do (don’t forget to follow me on IG). If you need help using Instagram to promote your book and build your brand click HERE to download 5 Free Tips for promoting your book and building your brand using Instagram. 

So, what is it that makes you distinct from other authors within your genre. What can or what do you offer readers that sets you apart from the pack?

Writer Wednesday: Events

Contrary to popular belief the internet isn’t the only way to sell books.

Live Events are another way to sell books and network. 


A live event can be hit or miss. I’ve attended events where I’ve sold lots of books at full price and I once attended an event where I only sold four books. 

Here’s the deal though–you may sell out you may not, but one sale can translate into life long sales. For example after attending the BWABC in Tennessee I released Tempted to Touch and someone for Tennessee contacted me directly to order the book. 


This is your opportunity to meet other authors. You can soldify relationships formed over the internet or you can just learn and grow through some real life interactions.

Those interactions can lead to collaborations and you can gain insight about what other authors are doing to promote their businesses, establish their brand, and sell some books. 

After attending the National Black Book Festival a year ago an author from the MidWest told me about in-home books signings. I asked a few friends if they would host and praise be to God at least one person said yes. It gave me the chance to connect with real readers. 

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For 2016 The Neophyte Authors wants you to attend a couple events. If you’re strapped for cash stick to local events in your city or create your own. Call up a coffee shop or the library and ask them to host you. 

And you’re going to say, I don’t know about any events or it’s too late for me to book now. No way. Obviously, it might be hard to get into an event going on in January, but there are events in the middle of the year that are still accepting vendors or taking participants.

Check out these sites to get started:

Writer’s Digest

Poets and Writers 

What’s your dream event that you’d like to attend? Do have questions about attending events or preparing for an event? Do know any events that authors must attend? 

To Keep Up with the Neophyte Author sign up for my newsletter because I’ll be on the go. I already have two events booked for January. 




#WriterWednesday : Mental Health Day

Writers are wacky. Yes, I said it. We live with people and stories in our heads. Words haunt us at times and characters cajole us out of bed to tell their tales. What every writer needs to do frequently is take a mental health day, Take a break from the words and the people living in your head and connect with the real people in your life. Negatives Positives Computer Keys Showing Plus And Minus Alternatives Analysis And Decisions

Stop yelling at me and looking at the computer screen funny. I know that you need to write. You are a committed and dedicated artist who must write something every single day. Now for the reality check in order to write well you need to be well. Yes, in fits of madness, sadness, or even depression you may feel like a creative genius or you may produce your greatest work, but those moods are not enough to sustain your writing career, 

Take a break. As a matter of fact do something us writers rarely do–celebrate you. Celebrate the work that you accomplished. If you only typed one word today bust out the Martinelli’s Sparkling Cider and do a happy dance you are not where you were yesterday. Don’t even get into that self-deprecating train of thought, but I’m not where I want to be. You are not where you were and you are taking steps to change that. Celebrate. 

I give you permission to celebrate. 

#WriterWednesday: Time Thief

So, a popular question that I often receive in relation to my illustrious writing career (don’t roll your eyes, I’m calling those things that are not as though they were) is, “How do you find the time to write?”. I get this question from aspiring authors and non-authors as well who just wish they could get more out of their day. 

For #WriterWednesday I’m giving away the answer. Old vintage typewriter

I’m a thief. I don’t make time I steal time. If I was waiting for an opportune time to begin writing with a full-time job, husband, and two kids, guess what? I’d still be waiting. I wouldn’t have even written this post. What you’re reading was written on stolen time. Today I’m scheduled for jury duty and although I wasn’t supposed to arrive here until 10 am after dropping off the my sweet baby Boogie at the babysitter at her usual time I headed here. I sipped some tea and whipped out my laptop to get this post done and I’ll be moving on to my novella in a few minutes.

Wherever I find pockets of time not being used or misappropriated I steal that time and give it to my writing. For example, my commute to work consists of a half an hour train ride there and an hour train ride back. During that time I write. If the train is too crowded for me to take out my laptop I type on my phone and email what I’ve written to myself.

Trip to the laundry–I write.

Today, I challenge you to record everything that you do today and how much time you spend doing it. Identify the moments where there are holes or chunks of idle time (watching television and trolling Facebook count as idle time–don’t tell me the entire two hours you spent on Facebook was for social media promotions). Once you’ve identified those areas pull a Robin Hood. Steal that time and give it to your writing.  

Are there moments throughout your day that you can identify immediately as excellent marks to steal time from?

When are they and what will you be working on during those times?

Can’t wait to hear how much writing you get done after stealing some time. 

#WriterWednesday Michelle Stimpson Helps You Do Your Homework

This week our #WriterWednesday tips come from an author that shouldn’t need an introduction, but if you don’t know her I’m so glad that you are getting a chance to meet her via The Neophyte Author. Pay attention take notes, this may seem like the basics, but we all make mistakes and overlook certain things because we never knew it was wrong or because we’re trying to be creative.


michelle-stimpsonBestselling, award-winning author Michelle Stimpson has penned more than twenty-five Christian fiction books including traditional bestseller Divas of Damascus Road, the highly acclaimed Falling Into Grace, and Amazon #1 bestseller, Stepping Down. She has also published more than fifty short stories through her educational publishing company, Michelle holds an English degree from Jarvis Christian College and master’s degree in education from the University of Texas at Arlington. She is a part-time language arts consultant and serves in women’s ministry at her home church, Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship. She and her husband have two young adult children and one crazy dog.

You can find Michelle online at: 

FB page:

Pathways to Your #Passion: Are You a Brand?

Branding. The one word that drives almost every author crazy. One of my very first posts on The Neophyte Businessman Computer Planning Marketing Brand ConceptAuthor was about branding, “Building My Brand (and yours)”. I didn’t know what I was doing then and I’m not claiming that I’ve got the answer now–there’s a reason this blog is called The Neophyte Author. One thing that I realized was after establishing a brand you want to make sure that what you’ve established as your brand is actually being recognized in other people’s mind.

I was going to do that evaluation when my one year anniversary came, but since it blew right past me in December I decided to let the sleeping dog lie. Actually, I didn’t want to have to deal with the idea of rebranding if I wasn’t successful. However, if when you’re brand isn’t an instant hit rebranding isn’t the first step for me or you. After a review of Born at Dawn was published on USA Today I realized it’s a fine time for some reflection for me and for you.

A brand needs time to be developed before you can decide it doesn’t work. Take Coca-Cola for example, during it’s first year nine servings of were sold per day. Doesn’t sound like the start to a brand who’s logo was trademarked in 1888 is still recognizable today and is probably responsible for several thousand cavities. 

Are You a Brand (only in your head or in other people’s eyes)?

What is your catchphrase, your one liner, your slogan? What is it that you do in one sentence. I write fiction for the renewed mind.

  • This line should adequately reflect your product, your purpose/mission, and who your audience is.

Check the break down

Writing Fiction for the Renewed Mind

What do I do: I write made up stories (Writing Fiction)

Purpose: Entertain and Edify (Fiction and Renewed Mind)

For Whom: Christians. Will non Christians like it? I hope so, but my intended audience are those who are already Born Again. (For the Renewed Mind a reference to Romans 12:2

Are You and Your Brand Synonymous?

Are you who you say you are? Check. In today’s social media driven world we’re all only one Google search away from, what is done in the dark being revealed and what was said in a corner being shouted from a mountaintop.

If you’re not who say you are you better get right. This is particularly true if you are a Christian author. What we do requires a level of transparency, consistency, and commitment that other genres don’t require. People do not expect J.K Rowling to be a wizard or that James Patterson has committed any of the crimes that fuel his legal thrillers. However, when you proclaim the name of Christ there is an expectancy that you are what you are selling and promoting. If you’re speaking life you need to full of it and people should be able to recognize that.

Who are you and what are the markers of your brand?

Personally, I’ve known for a long time that I’ve got a way of capturing the grit or the pulp of life in words. During grad school my peers would say I’m good with the vernacular. I was offended at first, but then I realized that my brand of writing is gritty, grimy, and for the everyday person. Yesterday that was confirmed by Michlle Monkou of USA Today who said that, ” Gritty, inspirational, and powerful mark Lockley’s brand of fiction.” The grit is me and the inspiration and power have come from God’s redeeming and transforming power. While God makes all things new He is able to use what we were to influence those He wants to reach and touch.  Consider a couple of the authors of the Bible:

Luke the physician–a doctor. Someone good at describing things and who also has the skill to put things in laymen’s terms is the author of two very spellbinding books of the Bible–his own epistle and Acts.

Paul–formerly known as Saul who had a penchant for letters before His conversion. When he was Saul he used his love of letters to persecute Christians and when he gave himself to Christ the Lord used that same passion and letter writing ability to pen a majority or New Testament. He did need a little rebranding, but the Lord took him through that process.

We’re able to look at these men and recognize their brand and distinguish their writing from other books of the Bible. Now what about you–does anyone recognize the marker’s of your brand without you telling them? Are you a brand? Have you established of the basic tenets of branding to test the water? Regardless, of the answer let’s remember Coca-Cola, let’s remember that only one hundred and twenty were assembled in the Upper Room and look at how many have received the Spirit of Christ since then. This is only the beginning and you can always begin again. 

Post your work, an excerpt, a link to your work or some type of ad you use to promote your work/brand in the comments and let’s assess your brand. 


#FridayFinds A Scoop of Love by Unoma Nwankwor

This week our #FridayFind comes from my soulsis, Unoma Nwankwor. If you regularly follow The Neophyte Author then you ought to recognize her name. I absolutely love this woman, her passion for God, and the way that she infuses her Nigerian culture into her writing. It is my pleasure to present you with a sneak peek of her latest novel (this bad boy is so new it hasn’t been released yet), A Scoop of Love, which drops next, but I want you to pre-order this book. Take a moment and check it out. 


Scoop of Love cover


The oldest of the Danjuma brothers, Rasheed was a self-made man. He’d learned at an early age that love and commitment brought with it complications he didn’t want to deal with. His single-minded focus had paid off. He was able to step into the shoes of his absentee father by taking care of his mother and twin brothers. But just when he thought he could stop carrying the weight of his family on his shoulders, he gets a call that could change the trajectory of Rasheed’s life.

Ibiso Jaja, a professional caterer, had gambled on the love of a man and lost. Through the redeeming love of God, she had picked herself up and was now living her dream as the owner of Bisso Bites, a bistro in the heart of Abuja. However circumstances conspire to threaten the bistro and bring her face to face with the type of man she has vowed to avoid. The attraction is instant.

Once again, Rasheed is forced to do something he has done all his life – put the needs of his family ahead of his own. This time however, he crosses path with the sassy, independent, Jesus-loving caterer who is bent on making him see the power of forgiveness and God’s love. Just when Rasheed lets his guard down, a deadly sabotage causes old demons to rise. Will Rasheed continue to pursue power and success or surrender to the light of God’s love?


Rasheed are meeting Ibiso for the second time after a disastrous first meeting. The venue: a point and kill fish market. For my non Nigerian readers, it’s a place where the customer can point to the fish they want killed and packaged. Normally used to cook peppersoup. He is there for his mom, she is there for a client. Then this happens: They point to the same fish…Enjoy the snippet.


“Such a gentleman,” Ibiso said as they waited for the attendant to return.

Rasheed heard the hint of sarcasm but wasn’t bothered. “Did you think I wasn’t?”

“Hmm, I don’t know. I barely know you.”

“We have to fix that.” Rasheed raised his hand to his face and stroked his moustache.

“And how do you suppose we do that?”

“Well, seeing as I let you have the fish and you’re a caterer…

“If you want to taste my cooking, you could always come to the restaurant.”

“I could, couldn’t I? But I was thinking something more personal. Seeing as I sacrificed my fish for you.”

© 2014 Unoma Nwankwor





Christian Fiction Romance

Why I write:

unomskylo1aI love sharing my faith, reading and watching great romances, then add what makes me, me…my Naijaness( a play on Nigerian) and you have books that are a fusion of faith, romance and African Spice. This is me, there is simply no way I could write anything else. Also, I love happy endings 🙂 
