Collaborate Like Cardi

Sooooo, I kicked 2018 off by teaching a visibility and relelvancy series on Facebook. Last night’s lesson was on Getting Comfortable with Colloboration if you want to remain visible and relevant between projects. This also happened last night.


That’s right Carbi B and Bruno Mars teamed up and dropped a dope ode to the 90s video. Now for those of you side eyeing me for even supporting, celebrating, and using Carbi B as a teaching point because you don’t like her messaging–you’ve been focusing on the wrong thing for so long you missed the methods and all the lessons she’s been teaching us on how to get this schmoney. For those of you who are concerned about what I’m watching you should be more concerned about how I’m walking (stay focused).

Cardi B closed out 2017 with two major collabos and opened 2018 with an awesome collaboration. If you want to elevate your brand in 2018 you better learn to collaborate like Cardi B. The method can be broken like this visibility + versatility = coins.

Here are 3 Tips to Help You Start Collaborating Like Cardi:

1. Each collaboration that Cardi B has been featured in has showcased the Trap Selena in either a different genre or a different side of Cardi as an artist demonstrating she isn’t a one trick pony. Do your collaborations allow you show your versatility?

2. With the exception of Cardi’s collaboration with Bruno Mars. She thoroughly promoted each collabo, by sharing snippets, footage, and thanking them. Bruno pulled a fast action move and dropped the video just when she started prompting it, but it worked. They’re trending and after the trend comes the checks. What’s your promotion strategy look like after you secure strategic collaborations?

3. Each collaboration has been with an artist that is at the top of their game or will introduce Cardi to a new and more diversified audience. Who are the influencers, authors, and brands that you should be collaborating with. Have you been talking to the same people online everyday and wondering why your PayPal isn’t blinging? It’s time for you to start collaborating like Cardi.

I don’t know what your goals for 2018 are, but if you clicked on the link to this blog or you’re following me then I know that one of your goals is to glow up. However, you have not been able to get in front of the right people to support your vision, you don’t want to waste time on investing in tactics that don’t make sense, and don’t fit your brand.

That’s why I’m hosting the Collaborate Like Cardi Masterclass. This step-by-step Collaborate Like Cardimasterclass will show you exactly how to easily identify which collaborations are key for your brand, exactly what you should showcase in these collaborations to increase your conversions, and how to gain collaborations even when no one is looking for you.  Register for this class and start creating the collaborations you need to collect more coins in 2018, immediately. 

When You’re Not Making Dollars Does It Make Sense? 

This post is partially personal and partially inspired by last night’s episode of MaryMary. Yes, I watch MaryMary (we all need deliverance). Now, let’s get to the point at hand–and it is sometimes a point of contention for Christians in business–the dollars and the cents. 

We’ve all experienced that lull in sales or a lack thereof that makes you go, “What the…” Then you ask yourself why am I doing this, and then you ask you best friend why am I doing this, and then you ask God why am I doing this. Lastly, you wonder should I continue. 

When you’re not making dollars does it make sense? 

It seems to all stop making sense at that point, but I’ve got the answer for you and it comes from Tina Campbell’s very transparent moment on last night’s episode of MaryMary. Last night Tina confessed that the first leg of her tour had not made any profits. Not one of the shows she’d booked had sold out and thus she was unable to churn a profit. That seems impossible and highly unlikely for a star, but it happened and if it happened to her it can happen to us or has already. 

It happened to me. 

I was scheduled to teach a workshop that was widely publicized and well promoted I thought, however in the end only two or three people showed up. The first person was an older woman who really wanted to discover who Christ was. There was  another author conducting the workshop with me and we both sat side by side and ministered to her. We never led our workshop that day, but God’s work was performed and we did sell books to the small crowd that came through. 

Did we earn big bucks that day? No. We earned a few dollars, but it all made sense in the eternal scheme of things. God’s work was performed. 

Now, that’s not to say you shouldn’t earn a profit from your Christian business. I’m not that type of Christian. I don’t believe in the poverty gospel, nor do I partake in the I should n’t want gospel. Yes, I need to want less of the world’s goods and you do too, but there are too many times that God has promised to give me the desires of my heart for it to makes sense that I run a business and not expect a profit. 

Did I stop because I took an L that day? NOPE and neither did Tina. 

The question is what do you when creativity is costing you more than what it’s bringing in?

What should you do to make more dollars so this whole thing makes sense?

  1. Pray for prosperity and promotion. The Bible tells us it doesn’t come from the east, west, or south, but from God and you can’t get something from someone you’re speaking to. 
  2. Promote. Promote. Promote. Promote yourself and pay for promotion. Also don’t be afraid to book a strategy session with a coach. 
  3. Redirect your energy to places where it is more effective. If you’re not getting a response from Facebook it may be time to check out other social media sites to build and create your following. 
  4. Cut costs where you can. I am not saying do it all or waste your time trying to learn how to do it all, but if you can design a business card you can design a flyer and bookmarks. Save those dollars for ad space or to pay a promoter. 
  5. Keep on doing what you do with the utmost confidence in the Gift Giver, Jesus Christ and confidence in His word–the gift He’s given you is good and it will make room for you. It may take others a while to come to that realization, but you keep working until they do. 

Got suggestions on how authors and other creatives can earn a profit? Drop them in the comments below.

Are you an author or a creative entrepreneur that wants to work with me? Send an email to to book a 45 minute Monster Manifestation Session to develop an individualized strategy to generate attention and growth for your writing or business. 

More Than Monday featuring Nigeria Q. Rolling-Ford of Couture Cake Boutique

The Neophyte Author is excited to present a woman who went into business to dispel the myth that black businesses have horrible customer service. This week’s “More Than” Monday feature is a sweet treat coming from a mom who demonstrated the characteristics of a Proverbs 31 woman when it came time to provide for her family. Nigeria Rolling-Ford owner of Couture Cake Boutique, LLC shares how to overcome when you feel like giving up and the process of re-branding, which is something important to consider when trying to elevate your business or stand out from the crowd. Not only is Nigeria a great baker she’s my name twin (LOL).

What motivated you to start Couture Cake Boutique?

Couture Cake Boutique began with the realization that my family’s financial needs outpaced what we were currently earning. We would corset cakesoon have a high school senior that would need a ton of financial help and I needed to generate more income by doing something that I loved to do.

Your company recently underwent the process of rebranding–can you explain what that is and what prompted you to do this?

Yes. Rebranding is when a business changes their logo, mission statement, and/or advertising with the goal of taking the business to another level.

My rebranding began in January of 2014.  As I mentioned earlier, when I began this business it was more out of a financial need.  However, Lil Man Bronx Fondant Cakeas my customer base began to explode through word of mouth and social media, I decided to make a real go at it with the hopes of being able to one day leave my day job and focus solely on Couture Cake Boutique.

How do find time for yourself in the midst of running your own business, running a family, and working full-time?

I multi-task.  Those of us who are moms or actually anyone in today’s fast-paced world knows what it means to wear multiple hats.  I have extended hours and am always available to return a request for a quote or question from a client simply due today’s technology.

Has there ever been a moment in which you considered giving up? How did you resist that feeling?

Yes.  I recently took on a job that was larger than I could handle.  This particular job simply did not turn out well and I was crushed.  I wanted to all but hide under a rock.  But, I learned what my limits are.  The very next day my phone began to ring off the hook with potentialruffle cake business.  Lol.  We don’t actually have phone hooks anymore.

What advice would you give to any woman who desires to be “more than”?

My advice to any woman who desires to be “more than” is to simply be more than.  Sometimes if you walk in the actions of what you want to be, you will find that you have become just that.


For some custom made cakes, cupcakes, and excellent customer service (trust me I know Couture Cake Boutique supplied the cupcakes for the Born at Dawn Cover Reveal Party) please visit Couture Cake Boutique online at: 

Failure. Not An Option.

Last week while aimlessly scrolling through my Facebook news feed I stumbled upon a post about how much published writers make. Based on the data, according to the Digital Book World 2014 Survey the financial forecast for me is bleak. However, as I type this post right now everything in me is echoing, “Not so.” You see for me there is something that I cannot and will not accept. Failure. Not an option. Whatsoever. Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying that because you do not earn a certain amount of money from your writing you are a failure, but my goal is not to be broke and the God I serve is rich in houses in land. He delights in blessing His children.  Why should I accept earning less than what He is capable of providing? 

The first thing I want to use my writing for is to glorify God that is not equivalent to earning $1000 per year. The word clearly tells me (and you) that our gifts will make room for us in this world. So, don’t shake your author earningshead at this post and say, “That girl has gone completely mad, she ain’t making a dime.” I believe God. I believe He made the patriarchs rich and I believe He is the same yesterday and forever. Therefore, failure. Say it with me, “Not an Option.”

I don’t know what the forecast for success for you is in your field of industry, but I am sure the odds are stacked against you or there is someone always telling you what you cannot do. They’re wrong. When I set out to get my book published someone said to me, “I don’t know why you’re doing this. You’re not going to make.” I was crushed and at the same time invigorated. Those words hurt, but the Lord filled me with something sweet and I’m going to share it with you today. The Lord inspired me to respond to that person’s unbelief by saying, “Even if you don’t believe in me don’t you believe in my God?” I dare you to say that your naysayers and the dream-killers in your life who always have data and facts to share. The fact is God is greater than statistics. The fact is prosperity is a part of his plan for us. The fact is with God all things are possible, including me earning more than what that survey says.