#FridayFinds Bejewled: Standing Strong by Chelle Ramsey

Have you ever been with someone who was locked up before? Could you imagine yourself arguing with someone about who was with him first or longer? Don’t worry if you’re not about that life this week’s #FridayFinds can help you imagine what it must be like.



The loud clatter of a curling iron falling to the floor drew everyone’s attention to Angel, who stood staring at the floor, hands shaking.

“You okay?” Georgette asked, moving closer to her friend.

“Y…yeah,” Angel muttered. She bent over to pick up the curling iron and put it back in its place. No longer able to ignore what was occurring around her, Angel walked to Antoinette’s station.

“Kianna, why are you lying? Did you purposely come to my salon to start trouble today? Because if that’s what’s going on, you need to leave. I refuse—”

Kianna cut Angel off. “Honey, please. The world don’t revolve around you, Angel. I knew you worked here, but I didn’t know you were here today. And I don’t know what you’re accusing me of lying about. I haven’t told one single lie since I been sitting in this chair, boo,” Kianna snapped.

“You’re lying about you and Black being together for thirteen years. Kianna, I met Black in 2007 when he first got out of jail, and we’d been kicking it for two years before we got married in 2009. You were nowhere around. I never heard of you, saw you, or met you until you came to work at the downtown salon in 2012,” Angel argued.

“It doesn’t matter if you heard of me, saw me, or met me until 2012; check your ex, boo. Because I was there. Matter of fact, that’s the reason I came to work for BeJeweled in the first place. I wanted to check out the competition. I have a degree in finance. Doing hair was just a little something I did on the side until I started my career. And there was no better place than BeJeweled, where you were,” she slipped in. “Pssh, me getting fired was the icing on the cake. I kept doing hair in my home on my own terms and time and found my dream job. I didn’t need this. All I needed was Black, and I got my man back,” Kianna barked, eyes narrowing.

A cold chill ran through Angel. How much of her life with Black had been a lie? What did she really know?

“Why the hell did you act like you didn’t know him the first time he came into the salon after you were hired?” Angel snapped.

“Ask him, Angel. You need to check Black. You still don’t believe me, do you?” Kianna asked, smirking.

She popped up her phone and pulled up her Facebook page. Scrolling through her posts, she pulled up a #throwbackthursday post. The caption read “#2003tbt with my boo. Cuz I’m a real ride or die chick.”






From the Author

Why I write in this genre:

ME (1)
I like to bring a refreshing perspective into the lives of my readers and I want them to find entertainment, healing and inspiration in each novel. Using real problems and challenges faced by ordinary people, I try to convey the message to readers that they can become empowered to rise above life’s adversities, with faith in God, and belief in themselves. 

My stories are relatable to individuals of diverse demographics, who have suffered a loss, been hurt, have low self-esteem, have lost hope, or need a word of encouragement. I use drama, humor, and inspiration to share a powerful and meaningful message that is designed to be impactful. Women’s fiction allows me to do just that and toss in an element of romance.



WEB: www.chelleramsey.com

EMAIL: chelleramseywrites@gmail.com

FACEBOOK: ChelleWrites

TWITTER: @UndeniablyChell

PINTEREST: ChellesBooks

INSTAGRAM: UndeniablyChelle

#WriterWednesday 16 Big Things From 2016

The end of the year always demands introspection and reflection, especially for me. As the year changes so does my age. I was blessed enough to be born on the last day of the year, so I am always looking back. 2016 was a bang up year for America– black men were killed at alarming rates, Trump was elected President, and many of the 80s and 70s’ pop icon that we grew up with passed away.

But we pressed on, at least I did. I didn’t do everything I set out to do, but 2016 was a break through year for me as an author. Check out the year in rewind and hopefully a literary jewel or two will trickle from this post into your lap.

  1. The very first reading I participated in was a paid reading and I sold books at the event. Could you imagine my shock, that I would be paid to read from my own book. Speeches I understand, but I never expected to be paid just to be just to read my work.

2. I started coaching authors. Some of my authors booked me to work on their writing and some of them booked me to teach them marketing strategies. Some of them listened and some of them didn’t. LOL.  In the end we both were stretched and grew. Wanna work with me too? To book your Publishing Pow-Wow today click here or click the photo below.


3. I got a chance meet Kevin Powell. We were seated beside each other at the Black Book Fair. He bought a book and signed up for my mailing list. I don’t know if he read said book, but I was excited nonetheless for a potential new reader. As long as he has the book the possibility is there.

Me and the legendary Kevin Powell
4. I became a staff writer for Memoirs of a Virtuous Woman. If you’re a Christian woman trying to live right and deal with real issues you need to pop over there. This position was a great win because someone that I worked with (Why did I type that past tense? Was that prophetic? I hope so.) someone that I work with was very adamant about me ditching Jesus and just writing for a secular platform. I said no and a month later I got this gig, which ultimately landed me in the Memoirs of a Virtuous Woman magazine as well. Whatever your convictions are hold onto them. 



5. I met with a live bookclub here in New York City. Bookclubs are secret societies. The only way in is if you know somebody that knows somebody. Thankfully at my first reading of the year I met somebody who was a member of the Sugar and Spice bookclub. Many authors live off of bookclubs and as a new author while I recommend connecting with bookclubs invest your efforts in connecting with readers; they will always lead you to more readers whether they run in packs or not. 


6. I went to Chicago. I didn’t do anything touristy, but I totally and completely loved attending, Book It. I had such a great time I’m going back again in 2017 by God’s grace. I also had the opportunity to meet some readers whom I know and love online in the flesh. 

7. I finally learned how to properly promote my books and brand on Instagram. Yes, for real. I learned how to promote myself and my work and actually make sales. Want to learn as well? I wrote a book about it and taught a class on it make sure you grab each one Influence to Income Workbook and Influence to Income Video

8. I learned the power of going Live streaming. After teaching one class while Live streaming I booked a gig to teach a Smart Social Media Management class for authors.


9. I took the whole entire family to a book event. First of all the kids are already on the payroll, but we let the hubs tag along. We all made it out alive, so maybe just maybe I’ll let them join me on the road again.


10.  I got invited to speak at a library in North Carolina. Now that was a sore spot for me because every time I tried to book a trip or talk at a local library as someone suggested to me a long time ago it just never went right and then BAM! I got an invite. Though it is often said you shouldn’t wait for an opportunity you should create your own recognize that sometimes it’s just not your time. While there I met the and ate dinner with the Victorious Ladies Reading and if you don’t know who they are you better ask somebody. 

11. I wrote and published my first non-fiction book, Pursuing Your Passion in a Godly Fashion: Prayers for Creative Christians and Entrepreneurs. 



12. I sold out of Pursuing Your Passion in a Godly Fashion on the day of its release at the Christian Book Lover’s Retreat (which if you haven’t registered for it, please do yourself a favor and register). 

14. I finally made up in my mind that no matter what goes on around me I would write until God tells me to have a seat. 

15. I returned to my first love several times this year. I wrote some poetry. One of my poems was retweeted by Errol Lewis of NY1. Of course, I had  to tag him first.


Dear America

16. Opportunities abound and possibility is everywhere you just have to seek it, speak it, and walk in it. 

How was 2016 for you??? Share some of your highlights and lessons with me.


She Speaks Saturday (The First One)

I’m talking to you this Saturday via video. She Speaks Saturday is a new feature I’d like to start. I’m just going to rap to you about a few things. I’ll also use this as a way to respond to your questions and comments. 

So start thinking about what you want to ask the Neophyte Author–we can talk about the books, Born at Dawn, Seasoned with Grace, Tempted to Touch, Children with God (not yet released), faith, publishing, writing, motherhood, and anything else that’s within the legal limits. 

Sit back and check out the first She Speaks Saturday. Share and drop your questions in the comments for the next She Speaks Saturday. 


#WriterWednesday: When Inspiration Strikes or Not

This is a late night edition of #WriterWednesday, but if you’re anything like me this is when you get your best work done. That is if you feel inspired, but what happens when you’re not feeling it?

I’m going to tell you what to do when you’re not feeling it. Treat your writing like your faith–keep walking anyway. As Christians we walk by faith and not by sight. It doesn’t matter what we see or what’s going on around us we’re supposed toGood idea stand. What do you think you’re supposed to do with your gift? Only write when the muse strikes or when you’re wearing your lucky green socks?

No…don’t worship the muse or wait for the muse that is idol worship. Worship the Lord, who is the giver of every good and perfect gift, in spirit and in truth and watch the words flow. Watch how you’re fingers fly if you just sit down and say “It’s not me, but it’s in you, Lord and I want to be used by you no matter the time–day or night and regardless of how I feel.” 

How do I know that this method will work? Because I’m doing it right now. I wasn’t feeling it. I wasn’t inspired and I have nothing to say, but I want to be consistent (as a good blogger should be), I want to be encouraging to new authors and share what I am learning (I am The Neophyte Author, right), but I don’t want to sound like a broken record either rehashing all kinds of lessons on writing that are available all over the internet. So, as I tried to think of what to write about this Wednesday I said a prayer and left my computer alone. I went about my day the way I normally do (pick up Boogie from camp, eat dinner, and hit up Bible Study).

Now it’s after ten and I said this night will not end with me offering something. In this moment the Jesusmet me (that’s the Lord I’ve been referencing if you want to get to know him see the What Must I Do to b Saved? page) and gave me these words. Don’t trust your gift, talent, or calling for they come without repentance (God gives you what you need to be who He wants you to be before you’ve even considered serving Him), but trust in the one who gave it to you. Yield yourself to him and do what you have been called to do, share your gift, and cause your talent to be multiplied and bring the bounty all back to him. That means work in spite of feeling inspired work as unto Him and He will take care of the rest.

Happy February: Goals and Vision Board Checkin

Okay I’m a day or two late, but don’t judge me I was engaged in lots of Superbowl nonsense Sunday and it was well worth it–my team won! Then I had lots of work nonsense to deal with on Monday. Thirty-three days have past since many of us declared our goals and pasted magazine cutouts onto cardboard boxes and now it’s time to check on how much progress we made. I’ll go first and you’ll share your progress in the comments.


Goal Progress



I am excited to announce that I met my first writing goal. I finished writing Tempted to Touch on January 18th. Now, ask me have I finished typing it (that’s another story, but you can find out why I started writing it longhand versus typing in my post Fighting with the First Person). Once I’m done typing which I hope is this week I’m on to working on the next book in the Grace series, Riches of Grace (tentative title–cast your vote for the title on the Home page). Just in case you’re wondering how I was able to knock out my first goal so quickly here are some things that helped me.

How to Meet a Goal

-Establish a timeline

-Work towards it everyday so that you don’t have to play catch-up

-Get two partners: an accountability partner to keep you on track and an encouragement partner to tell you’re doing a good even when you might be sucking. It will get you back on the road to your goals. If you can find a 2-in-1 praise the Lord!!


Vision Board Progress



All I can say is all glory and praise be to the most high God. My vision board is divided to address the needs and desires the innerman and outterman. I can see both visions being addressed and I can’t take the credit for it. Of course, this isn’t magic, it’s really quite simple (if you let it be). I make myself available to God and express my desires to Him they are being met just as Psalm 37:4-5 says, “Delight yourself in the LORD; And He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the LORD, Trust also in Him, and He will do it.”


To address the needs of the innerman, I’ve signed up for Bible reading plans and whenever I feel that tug from the Holy Spirit I’m learning to drop what I’m doing and pick up my Bible or pray. Despite a lot of calamity at work, I’ve been putting my best face forward, as my visionboard suggests.


I repeat I can’t take any credit for the vision coming to pass. On my visionboard I pasted to cutouts that said “My books are great bookclub finds.” What happens? I received a review from Michelle Monkou on the USA TODAY blog, Happy Ever After, that begins with “Bookclub alert! Born at Dawn is the perfect story for a hearty discussion.” and prior to that my Born at Dawn was selected to be the book of the month for the African-American Christian Fiction Book Club on Facebook.

Just to take the mystique out of this let’s come to the common understanding that first of all, “every good and perfect gift comes the Father of lights in whom there is no variableness or shadow of turning” (in other words if He said it He will do it). The good that I’ve received is not because I’m good, but because He is. Secondly, Deuteronomy 28 says that “The LORD will open for you His good storehouse, the heavens, to give rain to your land in its season and to bless all the work of your hand;”  Of course, that means I have to do something with my hands (so do you). I had to put my book out there for God to bless it, but once I did my part He did His part to bless my vision because my vision is aligned with His. I want to be a tool in His hand and He wants to use me and bless me.

Have you accepted that for yourself? The Lord wants to use you and He wants to bless you? With that in mind–where are you in the Vision 2015 process? Approaching a goal, on target, or way off? Share your progress or your pain and then let’s figure out how we can march on in Jesus name.

Hello December: Time for Introspection

December is probably the only month I really celebrate and take time to get lost in my thoughts. Why? Because it is the end of everything and the beHello December sign with clouds and sky backgroundginning of everything. The final month on our calendar gives birth to the New Year and that newness is sealed within me. I was born in December, so my life began this month, however I was born on the last day of the month. I think that was the Lord’s way of creatively telling me that the end is the beginning. 

What does that mean for the rest of you and why am I dragging you into this?

By December most people are either counting down the days until the New Year begins or trying to savor every moment left of a joyous year. They’re anticipating the moment that they get to start afresh and put the misery of the year behind them or trying to figure out how to duplicate or multiply the success of the year. 

You don’t have to wait until January to do that. Begin today by, considering your ways, as the prophet Haggai, suggested. What did you do to contribute to your development this year? Has your focus only been outward while your inner man perishes? Have you run around sowing and planting without actually reaping? There is a remedy for this, “thus saith the Lord of hosts; Consider your ways.”

What can you do at this point, we’re already in December, right? Wrong. 

The end is only the beginning and the end isn’t set by man or marked by a calendar–time is prescribed and measured by God and today He’s giving us time for introspection, the opportunity to revise the end of this chapter and setup a brilliant start for the next chapter.

What behavior will you hold onto as we enter into the close of 2014? Which of your ways will you work on getting rid of just in time to start the New Year off?

Consider your ways.


Born at Dawn #Book #Brunch and #Launch #Party

It’s almost time for the release of my debut novel and of course that means it’s almost time to TURN UP and celebrate. The Neophyte Author, Nigeria Lockley would like to extend an invitation to the Born at Dawn Book Brunch and Launch Party.

Book Brunch Pic


At the party you’ll have the opportunity to:


For tickets to the live party at Pearl Studios click here: Born at Dawn Book Brunch and Launch Party 

For tickets to the virtual party on Facebook click here: Born at Dawn Virtual Book Launch Party

Sponsors Include:

Tyora Moody

T_Moody_author-0307_smaller (1)

Colette Harrell

writespirit-header (1)

Unoma Nwankwor


Please be sure to check out and support the work of these wonderful Christian authors and I can’t wait to see at the party on, Saturday, October 18, 2014.

Pathways to Your Passion: Don’t Dwell in Defeat

So, I’m shaking things up a bit here with a video blog, I guess that’s a vlog (right). Nevertheless, this is the second post in the Pathways to Your Passion Series, “Don’t Dwell in Defeat”. Just press play and rejoice with me today.


See you on the other side of your passion!

Pathways to Your Passion: Stretch Out

Everybody wants to pursue their passion. Yes, even that one friend you have who does nothing, but binge watch episodes of their favorite show wants to ascend into another realm of life. But not everyone can and when I say can I mean they are not able to stretch out comfortably, acknowledge their passion, and believe that God is large enough to carry them to the Outdoor sunrise yoga girlother side of their passion. Through the Pathways to Your Passion together we’ll march into a robust life built through fellowship with Christ and the pursuit of our passion. Yes, I said together, I have not arrived yet, but I’m willing to walk with you.

I haven’t decided if this will be weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. As a matter of fact I am going to stretch out on God and let Him determine how often I post Pathways to Your Passion. 

There is a way to live and walk in passion. That walk isn’t meager or lowly nor is it an easy pathway to travel on, however it’s a journey you won’t forget. So, let’s take the first step toward you living a life of passion.

Pathways to Your Passion Exercise One

Stretch Out. This exercise will require a small amount of physicality. The muscle you’ll use the most is your mouth. 

1. Have a conversation with yourself. If you really want to hold yourself accountable write it down your answers read them and pick them apart.

Ask yourself: What is your passion? What is it that you desire to do most in life? What do you expect to receive and achieve from this passion?

Desire can be a fleeting thing and you may discover in two weeks you’re just a bandwagon dreamer–hitching your hopes and aspirations on whatever is trending, appears to be glamorous, or is synonymous with great gain. Don’t fret should you discover this. We’re just stretching before walking the path. Repeat number one until you find consistency, a common thread, and peace in your heart.

2. Share This Passion. 

Praying Top ViewGet on your knees and pour your heart out to God. Ask Him to search your heart and reveal your true motivations. Stretch Out on Him. Be open to what Jesus has to say about your passion. Is you passion one that can and will glorify God? Is it good for you? He won’t withhold any good thing from those who walk uprightly (that also means if your walk with Christ is a little crooked and one of your legs isn’t shorter than the other then it’s time to get right). It’s time to–Stretch Out on Him. Don’t be your own roadblock.

Don’t stop sharing. Tell your mama, tell your papa, tell everyone you know once you get the green light from God. That can come in many forms for each one of us. I knew I could write when my pastor said, “If you’re going to write a book go ahead and write it time is winding up. Whatever you’re going to do for the Lord do it now before He returns.” So, listen for His voice (it may come when, where, and from whom you least expect it to). It is necessary for you to use discernment in this area there are dream killers, crushers, and stompers waiting to deflate your dream, but if you’re always walking around protecting it then you haven’t stretched out on the Lord yet and you’ve already let doubt suck the passion out of you because you’ve been so busy hiding and thinking about what everyone else thinks that you can’t revel in your passion. 

3. Look in the mirror and remind yourself of your new position.

Say, “I’m comfortably stretched out on God. I acknowledge my passion  fill-in the blank, and I know that the Lord Jesus Christ is large enough to carry me to the other side of my passion. 

Uomo ai raggi x stiramento dolore braccio4. Use the muscles that you just stretched.

Repeat each exercise as necessary and don’t forget to come back and share your progress on the Pathway to Your Passion. 


Chat with the Neophyte Author

DSCN0144This week I’ll be doing a few interviews. Have a question for me about writing, Born at Dawn, faith, or anything else tune in and/ call in to chat with the Neophyte Author.


Saturday, July 5, 2014 at 5 PM EST/4 PM CST:  The Author Chat Show with Lynda D. Brown Call In: (424) 675-8262

Monday, July 7, 2014 at 12 PM EST/ 11 AM CST:   Divas Literary World Call In: (914)  338-1494


Please LIKE, SHARE, and TUNE IN!