Collaborate Like Cardi

Sooooo, I kicked 2018 off by teaching a visibility and relelvancy series on Facebook. Last night’s lesson was on Getting Comfortable with Colloboration if you want to remain visible and relevant between projects. This also happened last night.


That’s right Carbi B and Bruno Mars teamed up and dropped a dope ode to the 90s video. Now for those of you side eyeing me for even supporting, celebrating, and using Carbi B as a teaching point because you don’t like her messaging–you’ve been focusing on the wrong thing for so long you missed the methods and all the lessons she’s been teaching us on how to get this schmoney. For those of you who are concerned about what I’m watching you should be more concerned about how I’m walking (stay focused).

Cardi B closed out 2017 with two major collabos and opened 2018 with an awesome collaboration. If you want to elevate your brand in 2018 you better learn to collaborate like Cardi B. The method can be broken like this visibility + versatility = coins.

Here are 3 Tips to Help You Start Collaborating Like Cardi:

1. Each collaboration that Cardi B has been featured in has showcased the Trap Selena in either a different genre or a different side of Cardi as an artist demonstrating she isn’t a one trick pony. Do your collaborations allow you show your versatility?

2. With the exception of Cardi’s collaboration with Bruno Mars. She thoroughly promoted each collabo, by sharing snippets, footage, and thanking them. Bruno pulled a fast action move and dropped the video just when she started prompting it, but it worked. They’re trending and after the trend comes the checks. What’s your promotion strategy look like after you secure strategic collaborations?

3. Each collaboration has been with an artist that is at the top of their game or will introduce Cardi to a new and more diversified audience. Who are the influencers, authors, and brands that you should be collaborating with. Have you been talking to the same people online everyday and wondering why your PayPal isn’t blinging? It’s time for you to start collaborating like Cardi.

I don’t know what your goals for 2018 are, but if you clicked on the link to this blog or you’re following me then I know that one of your goals is to glow up. However, you have not been able to get in front of the right people to support your vision, you don’t want to waste time on investing in tactics that don’t make sense, and don’t fit your brand.

That’s why I’m hosting the Collaborate Like Cardi Masterclass. This step-by-step Collaborate Like Cardimasterclass will show you exactly how to easily identify which collaborations are key for your brand, exactly what you should showcase in these collaborations to increase your conversions, and how to gain collaborations even when no one is looking for you.  Register for this class and start creating the collaborations you need to collect more coins in 2018, immediately. 

#MompreneurMonday Growing Pains

Your growth will seem outrageous to some and contagious to others. This new terrain will be difficult to navigate, but those are just growing pains. 

The same way when you experienced a growth spurt as an adolescent and certain clothes no longer fit your body type or matched your persona you’ll experience that in business and personally as well. And you know what? 

It’s okay. Seriously it’s okay. 

Roll with the changes. If that means rebranding do it. I started adding more colors to my scheme because that where I am in my walk and my talk has to match my walk. This is my business and my brand. I have to be as comfortable in it as I can and the same holds true for you. 

Give yourself space and time to align what’s going on in your mind with what you are trying to execute. That may mean saying goodbye to old systems that aren’t generating results even if they’re conviennt. 

I just trashed my entire mailing list. You know why, because I wasn’t in that space anymore and I’ve learned new things. 

As the Bible tell us you can’t pour new wine into old bottles. This may also mean removing the people in your life who don’t encourage your growth. Everyone on your team should inspire you to do greater things. I don’t mean that in a competitive way, but I mean that in terms of self-realization. The people you socialize with should be encouraging and prompting you to use your gifts more. 

If they don’t that’s not the crew for you. 

It may hurt to get rid of systems and people that you are used to, but if the people around you or your environment don’t match the growth taking place in your mind you will never move from this place and space. 

In our lives everyone around us is entitled to grow–the kids, our spouse, even the dog. 

Guess what? 

So are you. 

What are you going to do enjoy the  shift happening and embrace the growth? 

Flashlight Moments In the Dark Series Presents: Nigeria Lockley

Today is a special day! I’m featured on a special blog today! I’m a guest on my #soulsis Unoma Nwankwor’s blog today. Go check out my interview and find out how I Glow In the Dark.

Unoma Nwankwor

If you have been folowing me for a while you would be no stranger to Nigeria Lockley or as I like to call her sissy. She is my adopted online sister and business bestie. So you know I couldn’t do a series without having her on here to give you her insight. I could talk about her all day long but let me step aside so you could read for yourself.

Unoma : Who is Nigeria Lockley?

Nigeria : Nigeria Lockley is a child of the most High God, unapologetically walking in her passion and purpose. In the past whenever I would answer questions like this I would always rattle of a bunch of titles until I realized that being my titles are not where my identity lies. My identity is in my creator.

Unoma: In 10 words or less can you create a quote that describes you and your…

View original post 751 more words

#WriterWednesday 16 Big Things From 2016

The end of the year always demands introspection and reflection, especially for me. As the year changes so does my age. I was blessed enough to be born on the last day of the year, so I am always looking back. 2016 was a bang up year for America– black men were killed at alarming rates, Trump was elected President, and many of the 80s and 70s’ pop icon that we grew up with passed away.

But we pressed on, at least I did. I didn’t do everything I set out to do, but 2016 was a break through year for me as an author. Check out the year in rewind and hopefully a literary jewel or two will trickle from this post into your lap.

  1. The very first reading I participated in was a paid reading and I sold books at the event. Could you imagine my shock, that I would be paid to read from my own book. Speeches I understand, but I never expected to be paid just to be just to read my work.

2. I started coaching authors. Some of my authors booked me to work on their writing and some of them booked me to teach them marketing strategies. Some of them listened and some of them didn’t. LOL.  In the end we both were stretched and grew. Wanna work with me too? To book your Publishing Pow-Wow today click here or click the photo below.


3. I got a chance meet Kevin Powell. We were seated beside each other at the Black Book Fair. He bought a book and signed up for my mailing list. I don’t know if he read said book, but I was excited nonetheless for a potential new reader. As long as he has the book the possibility is there.

Me and the legendary Kevin Powell
4. I became a staff writer for Memoirs of a Virtuous Woman. If you’re a Christian woman trying to live right and deal with real issues you need to pop over there. This position was a great win because someone that I worked with (Why did I type that past tense? Was that prophetic? I hope so.) someone that I work with was very adamant about me ditching Jesus and just writing for a secular platform. I said no and a month later I got this gig, which ultimately landed me in the Memoirs of a Virtuous Woman magazine as well. Whatever your convictions are hold onto them. 



5. I met with a live bookclub here in New York City. Bookclubs are secret societies. The only way in is if you know somebody that knows somebody. Thankfully at my first reading of the year I met somebody who was a member of the Sugar and Spice bookclub. Many authors live off of bookclubs and as a new author while I recommend connecting with bookclubs invest your efforts in connecting with readers; they will always lead you to more readers whether they run in packs or not. 


6. I went to Chicago. I didn’t do anything touristy, but I totally and completely loved attending, Book It. I had such a great time I’m going back again in 2017 by God’s grace. I also had the opportunity to meet some readers whom I know and love online in the flesh. 

7. I finally learned how to properly promote my books and brand on Instagram. Yes, for real. I learned how to promote myself and my work and actually make sales. Want to learn as well? I wrote a book about it and taught a class on it make sure you grab each one Influence to Income Workbook and Influence to Income Video

8. I learned the power of going Live streaming. After teaching one class while Live streaming I booked a gig to teach a Smart Social Media Management class for authors.


9. I took the whole entire family to a book event. First of all the kids are already on the payroll, but we let the hubs tag along. We all made it out alive, so maybe just maybe I’ll let them join me on the road again.


10.  I got invited to speak at a library in North Carolina. Now that was a sore spot for me because every time I tried to book a trip or talk at a local library as someone suggested to me a long time ago it just never went right and then BAM! I got an invite. Though it is often said you shouldn’t wait for an opportunity you should create your own recognize that sometimes it’s just not your time. While there I met the and ate dinner with the Victorious Ladies Reading and if you don’t know who they are you better ask somebody. 

11. I wrote and published my first non-fiction book, Pursuing Your Passion in a Godly Fashion: Prayers for Creative Christians and Entrepreneurs. 



12. I sold out of Pursuing Your Passion in a Godly Fashion on the day of its release at the Christian Book Lover’s Retreat (which if you haven’t registered for it, please do yourself a favor and register). 

14. I finally made up in my mind that no matter what goes on around me I would write until God tells me to have a seat. 

15. I returned to my first love several times this year. I wrote some poetry. One of my poems was retweeted by Errol Lewis of NY1. Of course, I had  to tag him first.


Dear America

16. Opportunities abound and possibility is everywhere you just have to seek it, speak it, and walk in it. 

How was 2016 for you??? Share some of your highlights and lessons with me.


#WriterWednesday 3 Ways to Set YourSelf Apart From the Pack

To be a successful published author you don’t have to do what everyone is doing. Of course there are experts out there that say you must do it exactly this way in order to replicate my success. The question is as an author did you go into publishing to be successful like them or a successful version of yourself? 

Embrace what makes you different as an author. 

Own it. 

Do it intentionally. 

It might make a few people upset, but if there was only one way to do right, if there was only one way to tell a story and make it successful we probably wouldn’t have the Gospel according to Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Each author owns there style–Matthew is an author of precision, Mark is the king of brevity, Luke though he is a trained physician is an expert in writing informally, he writes like he’s just telling a story to his homeboy, John is poetic with his parallelisms. 

There are many ways to own your space within your genre: 

1. Your book covers. Three authors I can think of you use their book covers to stand out from the rest of the authors in your genre are: 

Adrienne Thompson, a romance author whose book covers are typically artistic, handdrawn reflections of the story or characters. 

Click for more info on this author

E.N. Joy, writes Christian Fiction and her book covers are as distinct and dramatic as the stories she crafts. 

Click for more info about this author

Unoma Nwankwor writes Christian Romance. Her covers always depict a unadapted hero and a beautiful heroine that could easily be you or me. 

Click for more info about this author

2. Stand out with style. Like the writers of the gospel make some intentional stylistical choices that set you apart from the pact. You can write heavily episodic pieces, great conversational pieces, be the sultan of sultry, or the queen of sass. Do something that will help the readers recognize your voice. What’s your writing super power?

Can you twist a plot like Brian W. Smith

I deliver grit, realism of the city streets, and our urban architecture, which sets me apart from a lot of other Christian Fiction authors whose books are primarily set in southern cities or don’t give their setting a large role in the story. 

3. Don’t just be one dimensional. Create interactive social media profile across platforms incorporating some of your other strengths. If you’re very visual use Pinterest to build worlds connected to your novels or poetry. Use YouTube to vlog–you can review, rant, or express your ideas verbally, go LIVE and give your people a chance to interact with you and your content in real time.  Or take your readers on shopping trips with you via Instagram or Snapchat stories like I do (don’t forget to follow me on IG). If you need help using Instagram to promote your book and build your brand click HERE to download 5 Free Tips for promoting your book and building your brand using Instagram. 

So, what is it that makes you distinct from other authors within your genre. What can or what do you offer readers that sets you apart from the pack?

#MompreneurMondays 4 Reasons to Get Your Kids Involved in Your Business

Every mogul mama knows managing motherhood and business is no easy feat. I’ve received tons of questions about how I do it all and truthfully if it wasn’t for the grace of God I would have lost one of these kids in Target by now (okay, I did once, but it was for like five minutes). There a few tricks I’ve learned either from research, doing it wrong, or inspiration given to me by God and I’m sharing them every Monday. 


This summer I had the privilege and opportunity to work from home. One third of the time it was sheer bliss, another third of the time I had a headache, and one third of the time I’m not even sure what was going on. The sheer bliss occurred every time I was able to get the kids involved in the work.

Here are 4 Reasons why you should  get your kids involved too: 

  1. Getting your children involved in your business keeps them busy without damaging any brain cells. Boogie, 6 is my intern and Woogie, 10 is my assistant. They both have a task to execute while I’m working. It’s a great alternative to them watching YouTube or t.v. (don’t judge me we’ve all had to sacrifice a few of their brain cells for some peace and quiet). IMG_1857
  2. The kids are gaining work experience that can go on their resume or school applications.
  3. The kids can gain real world lessons. While shopping for flowers the other day Boogie and Woogie got into an argument which consisted of several, “You’re the worst sister in the world.” and “You’re a jerkhead.” However, it ended with a conversation about Human Resources and what happens when you disrespect people in the work place. 
  4. Free or low cost help for you. Speaking of low cost help click here for 7 Sexy Content Ideas when you’re short on time after chasing your little bambinos around. 

Don’t worry even if you’re kids are small you can have them throw away things for you, sort products for you if you have physical products, and of course ask them for their opinions. You can even use them as photographers. Check out my Instagram and see if you can figure out which photos my “oogies” took for me. 

Have you ever tried involving your kids in the business? How did it go and what tips can you offer other mompreneurs? 


3 Ways to Discover Your Passion

Everything ain’t for everybody–being an entrepreneur may be the new craze, but is that your passion? 

Don’t fall into the trap and chase a dragon you don’t even want to ride. What you should pursue is your passion. Here are three ways to discover your passion. 

1. Return to your first love

What did you love doing as a child? Painting? Horseback riding? Writing? Don’t put a value on it right now. Don’tconsider the likelihood of you having a career in this field or how hard it is. If you like it, love it, or get some sort of satisfaction out of doing it, start doing it again. Don’t make your age a factor. Leslie Jones of, SNL and Ghostbusters didn’t hit the SNL stage until 47.  If you need further encouragement check out this Huffpost Article on 13 people who made a career change later on in life. 

Photo from

2. Make a list of all the things that you are good at.

 Often people who can’t figure out what their passion is are torn between all of their many talents and gifts. After you’ve made your list cross out the things that you enjoy doing the least. You can be good at something yet not be passionate about it. When I worked in retail I loathed every millisecond of it, but I was good at it because I am good with people. Once you figure out what you’re good at and like to do, cross section it with careers that will allow you to do both. 

3. Relax.

 Stop comparing yourself to everyone else who seems to have found their passion and look within yourself. What do you have strong opinions about? What gets you excited? And maybe, just watching television gets you excited. Turn that into a gig, do recaps and rundowns, create your own YouTube show, or show on your city’s local public access station. 

What difficulty have you had finding your passion? When did you discover your passion? What do you recommend others do who are searching for their passion in life

Want more inspiration and preparation for Pursuing Your Passion? Follow my publishing company Inheritance Books on Twitter @InheritBooks to join our passion party leading up to the release of my fourth book, Pursuing Your Passion in a Godly Fashion, Prayers for Creative Christians and Entrepreneurs. 

Release Date: 10/28/16

Dear America,

I posted this on my various social media accounts yesterday only to wake up and find out that another brother has been shot to death and this time in front of his family. I am a writer and not a fighter so, I chose to use the weapon I’ve been given to speak for my brothers and sisters. 

Dear America

Share liberally and comment freely. Our outrage must be heard, seen, and felt. It must translate into change because this is just insane. 

#SimplySunday Independence Day 

This 4th of July I’m working on obtaining the Independence we’re supposed to be celebrating.
The independence that our ancestors were anticipating when they joined the Continental Army. Some African American slaves willingly joined with the Patriots because they believed their freedom was around the corner. Turns out it didn’t work that way,  but I’m still working on getting my independence, which is my Inheritance because who the son sets free is free indeed. Okay, let stop preaching and share what freedom looks like to me.

Creating My Own Flat Lay for the #GetyourInheritance Marketing Challenge

🔹Freedom to worship my God, in any way  I please.

🔹Freedom to raise my family in peace and safety. 

🔹Freedom to support my family using my gifts. 

What’s does freedom look like for you? Are you an author or creative entrepreneur? Do you want to join the #GetyourInheritance Free a Marketing Challenge? Follow the blog: Get Your Inheritance or Join our tribe. 

#BookBlast Tell Me Lies by Michelle Lindo-Rice

I usually only share new books on Friday, but Michelle and I once shared a publisher, so I have to support my fellow Christian Fiction author.


New Book Release: Tell Me Lies by Christian Fiction Author

Michelle Lindo-Rice

Kindle: ASIN: B018EXNO70

Publication Date: Jan 12, 2016

Genre: Christian Fiction


About The Author

Michelle Lindo-Rice is an award winning, bestselling author of “Able to Love” and “On the Right Path” series. She enjoys crafting women’s fiction with themes centered around the four “F” words: Faith, Friendship, Family and Forgiveness. She is the 2015 winner of the Black Writers And Book Clubs Rocks Author of the Year Award.


About The Book


A broken heart…When Sydney Richardson meets Pastor Noah Charleston it was practically love at first sight. Sydney has battled so much deception in her personal life and in her work as an attorney, she is glad to have a perfect man she can depend on. But her Prince Charming has some secrets that are worse than Sydney could have ever imagined. What will she do when Noah’s past life come to light?

A broken truth… Pastor Noah Charleston has come a long way since his troubled youth. A respected Man-of-God, Noah’s long buried past emerges in the form of blackmail and threats. Noah not only fears for his safety but also for his newfound love. Will he take a chance on the truth before it’s too late?

A broken trust…Newly converted Christian, Belinda Santiago, harbors a secret that could end her friendship with Sydney. She’s in love with Lance Forbes, Sydney’s ex-fiancé. When Belinda and Lance’s relationship is exposed she may have to choose between her man and her best friend.

A broken man…Lance Forbes returns to Port Charlotte to make things right with Sydney, but his feelings for Belinda are in his way. Lance knows for him to become a do-right man, he must face his childhood pain. Will Lance get his act together and take a chance on love or run again?

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Purchase Links:

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“The rumor is three black boys killed your parents. Is it true?”

Perched on the edge of his cot, Noah Charleston lifted his eyes to look at the four half-men standing before him. The leader of the pack, Mitch, was sixteen with a baby face, braces and bad acne around his chin. His two muscles, twins Roger and Wylie, were about a year older at seventeen. Both were built like linebackers. Finally, the Whiz, or Matthew a slender fifteen year old with glasses that took up half of his face was the brain of the group.

“Answer him,” Roger prodded, stepping into the small cell.

Noah shrugged. “That was a year ago.”

“We can do something about that.” Mitch popped his gum. “Join us.”

Noah had heard about the “Avengers” as they dubbed themselves. They ruled the juvenile detention hall and dressed in their version of combat gear: khaki pants, boots and camouflage shirts. Even the counselors were afraid of them.

Noah kept to himself. Everyone pretty much left him alone. Except for today.

He looked up at them. “Do I have a choice?”

Wylie stepped forward. “Do you want me to help you make up your mind?”

“How about I help fix that ugly face of yours?” Noah threw back.

Wylie sprung at Noah. Noah jumped to his feet and sidestepped the much bigger guy. Then he bashed Wylie in the back of the head. Roger lunged at him.

“Quit it,” Mitch bellowed. “Leave him alone.”

Roger’s chest heaved but he backed off. His eyes held a threat. Noah met his gaze, daring him to bring it.

“I like your heart,” Mitch said. “We need you.”

“I like my own company,” Noah said.

“We have something you want,” the Whiz said. His voice was barely above a whisper. He wheezed his words as if he was always in need of an asthma pump.

“You don’t have—”

Noah’s eyes widened. The Whiz held a crumpled 3×5 photograph in his hand. Noah snatched it, “Where did you find this?”

“We have our ways,” Mitch bragged.

Noah squinted.

“I hacked into the computer system,” the Whiz said. This time he coughed at the end of his words. “I know who took your picture.”

“We’ve handled him.” Mitch’s tone was solemn.

“That’s why you should be thanking us,” Wyle said, rubbing the back of his head.

Noah looked at the photograph of his parents and closed his eyes to keep the tears from falling. It was his most prized possession. When he had been sent here to the juvenile home two months ago, Noah had placed it under his pillow before lunch. When he checked for it later that night, it had been gone. He searched everywhere but couldn’t find it. That was the first time since his parents’ funeral Noah had cried himself to sleep.

“Thank you,” he grounded out.

“Thank us by joining us,” Mitch said.

The Whiz held up a picture. It was an African-American by the name of Tony Billows who had taken it.

Noah clenched his fists. “Where is he?”

“In the hospital with some missing teeth,” Roger said.

“And a missing pinky,” Wylie added.

Noah blinked. He would have settled it with a well-deserved punch or two. Not doing Tony serious injury. “That was vicious.”

“It was a message. You mess with one of us you mess with us all. We’re a family,” Mitch said.

“The Avengers,” Wylie and Roger said in unison. They held out their fists. Noah had reservations but Mitch had used the magic word. Family. Noah wanted family. He made a fist and the boys all did a fist bump.

“The Avengers,” he said.

“Welcome,” Mitch said.

“Glad to have you,” The Whiz whispered. “Now, let’s get you some proper clothes and a haircut.”

Noah swallowed his reservations. He had a family again. Nothing else mattered.

To Read the first three chapters, click here: