#WriterWednesday All Eyes on Me: Virtual Book Tour

Let’s break it down a bit for those who don’t know about Virtual Book Tours. A virtual book tour is when an author visits blogs, radio shows, writes guest post, etc. to share their latest work with readers during a specific period of time. The length is up to you–one week, two weeks, a month.

This your can take place before the release of your book, when the book is released, or after the release of your book. 


You have two options–hire someone to organize your tour for you or organize it yourself. Every virtual book tour I’ve been on I organized myself because at the time I didn’t have the budget. 

DYI Tips
Organize, organize, organize. If you’re not well connected in the publishing world or know a bunch of bloggers and radio show host then you’re going to have get organized, well in advance. Most bloggers schedule posts in advance and they are not going to break their timeline for you.You need to start arranging the tour six months in advance. If you don’t know many bloggers or want to step outside of your comfort zone visit Book Blogger Directory to find bloggers in your genre.

Also, be prepared to be rejected. Some bloggers will not want you, your content, or book. If you’re not going to be spending money on this tour you better be prepared to spend time putting this tour together.

  • Beware of sites in which you have to pay to be featured on their website. Yes, this a promo tour and sometimes you have to pay for promotion, but paying to be featured on a blog is a little sketchy unless that blogger has a huge audience with some guaranteed results.
  • Some radio shows charge for guests. Don’t be afraid to ask for stats and demographics. If they can’t prove they have a diverse listening audience that includes you ideal reader. Keep your coins and move on to the next one. 
  • Create graphics for free using Canva, Pic Monkey, Be Funky, or Ribbet
  • Select several different excerpts so that your fans, followers, and friends can have a rich experience while following the tour. 
  • Try to do guest post with content connected to the book and of interest to the blog audience. Those posts usually generate lots of hits. 

Know your purpose. A blog tour is to create awareness and announce your presence. Don’t go crazy if after you’ve organized this phenomenal tour the only person who buys a copy of your book is your grandmother in Toledo. People cannot purchase something that they don’t know about. A Virtual Book Tour is your introduction to them. 

Have you organized your own virtual book tour before? Share your experiences in the comments. If you haven’t tried one yet make sure you come back and let me know how it goes.

#WriterWednesday 16 Big Things From 2016

The end of the year always demands introspection and reflection, especially for me. As the year changes so does my age. I was blessed enough to be born on the last day of the year, so I am always looking back. 2016 was a bang up year for America– black men were killed at alarming rates, Trump was elected President, and many of the 80s and 70s’ pop icon that we grew up with passed away.

But we pressed on, at least I did. I didn’t do everything I set out to do, but 2016 was a break through year for me as an author. Check out the year in rewind and hopefully a literary jewel or two will trickle from this post into your lap.

  1. The very first reading I participated in was a paid reading and I sold books at the event. Could you imagine my shock, that I would be paid to read from my own book. Speeches I understand, but I never expected to be paid just to be just to read my work.

2. I started coaching authors. Some of my authors booked me to work on their writing and some of them booked me to teach them marketing strategies. Some of them listened and some of them didn’t. LOL.  In the end we both were stretched and grew. Wanna work with me too? To book your Publishing Pow-Wow today click here or click the photo below.


3. I got a chance meet Kevin Powell. We were seated beside each other at the Black Book Fair. He bought a book and signed up for my mailing list. I don’t know if he read said book, but I was excited nonetheless for a potential new reader. As long as he has the book the possibility is there.

Me and the legendary Kevin Powell
4. I became a staff writer for Memoirs of a Virtuous Woman. If you’re a Christian woman trying to live right and deal with real issues you need to pop over there. This position was a great win because someone that I worked with (Why did I type that past tense? Was that prophetic? I hope so.) someone that I work with was very adamant about me ditching Jesus and just writing for a secular platform. I said no and a month later I got this gig, which ultimately landed me in the Memoirs of a Virtuous Woman magazine as well. Whatever your convictions are hold onto them. 



5. I met with a live bookclub here in New York City. Bookclubs are secret societies. The only way in is if you know somebody that knows somebody. Thankfully at my first reading of the year I met somebody who was a member of the Sugar and Spice bookclub. Many authors live off of bookclubs and as a new author while I recommend connecting with bookclubs invest your efforts in connecting with readers; they will always lead you to more readers whether they run in packs or not. 


6. I went to Chicago. I didn’t do anything touristy, but I totally and completely loved attending, Book It. I had such a great time I’m going back again in 2017 by God’s grace. I also had the opportunity to meet some readers whom I know and love online in the flesh. 

7. I finally learned how to properly promote my books and brand on Instagram. Yes, for real. I learned how to promote myself and my work and actually make sales. Want to learn as well? I wrote a book about it and taught a class on it make sure you grab each one Influence to Income Workbook and Influence to Income Video

8. I learned the power of going Live streaming. After teaching one class while Live streaming I booked a gig to teach a Smart Social Media Management class for authors.


9. I took the whole entire family to a book event. First of all the kids are already on the payroll, but we let the hubs tag along. We all made it out alive, so maybe just maybe I’ll let them join me on the road again.


10.  I got invited to speak at a library in North Carolina. Now that was a sore spot for me because every time I tried to book a trip or talk at a local library as someone suggested to me a long time ago it just never went right and then BAM! I got an invite. Though it is often said you shouldn’t wait for an opportunity you should create your own recognize that sometimes it’s just not your time. While there I met the and ate dinner with the Victorious Ladies Reading and if you don’t know who they are you better ask somebody. 

11. I wrote and published my first non-fiction book, Pursuing Your Passion in a Godly Fashion: Prayers for Creative Christians and Entrepreneurs. 



12. I sold out of Pursuing Your Passion in a Godly Fashion on the day of its release at the Christian Book Lover’s Retreat (which if you haven’t registered for it, please do yourself a favor and register). 

14. I finally made up in my mind that no matter what goes on around me I would write until God tells me to have a seat. 

15. I returned to my first love several times this year. I wrote some poetry. One of my poems was retweeted by Errol Lewis of NY1. Of course, I had  to tag him first.


Dear America

16. Opportunities abound and possibility is everywhere you just have to seek it, speak it, and walk in it. 

How was 2016 for you??? Share some of your highlights and lessons with me.


#WriterWednesday I’m Into Distribution: Do You Need to be in a Bookstore to Sell Your Books

Why did you become an author? To sell books or see your books in a bookstore? We all want distribution, nationwide distribution, but does being in a store actually sell your books? 

With my latest release, Pursuing Your Passion in a Godly Fashion, I attempted to answer my own question. I didn’t do what I would typically do, put it on sale through Ingram for distribution purposes, instead I put it on sale on Gumroad and directed all traffic there. 

Initially, there were only a few pre-orders, but since it’s release at the end of October I’ve sold almost 100 books and shipped them across the country and internationally. Now maybe to you 100 books isn’t a lot, but since according to Bookscan most books don’t sell more that 250 copies within the first year of its release I’m good. 

So, do you need major distribution? According to one my students if your book isn’t in stores then you’re not doing good. You may be of a similar mindset, but that’s the wrong mindset. If a bookstore doesn’t have my book when a customer asks for it they lost a sale. While I’ve built in exclusivity for my book and I am able to keep a majority of the money from the sale. 

A bookstore doesn’t sell your book, you sell the book, your marketing efforts sell the book, readers who recommend your book sells your book. With the whole world at your fingers, literally it’s time for you to be like me–I’m into distribution. 

Is this what your dream really is?

Why sell your book to a bookstore for a deep discount with no guarantee that the book will ever leave its shelf? If you can partner with an independent bookstore that’s going to help you move the books great, but if your book is just going to become another book on the shelf–I wouldn’t recommend it.

I don’t know if I’ll ever go back to the traditional model. My ebook will still be available on Amazon, but I’m enjoying the liberty (and my dinero). 

You may be wondering what I’ve been doing to move Pursuing Your Passion in a Godly Fashion. Well, I’ll tell you what I’ve been doing: 

1. Praying. I made sure this book was soaked in the Holy Spirit. 

2. Working my marketing plan. 

3. Praying. 

Now if you need help any of these I got you–Pursuing Your Passion in a Godly Fashion: Prayers for Creative Christians and Entrepreneurs will teach you how to pray over your passion instead of slaving over your passion and if you want to work with me on your marketing, writing, or both book a Publishing Pow-Wow NOW and #getyourInheritance 

So, what’s it going to be? Is it a must for you that your book is seated on a shelf in a bookstore or are you open to exploring your option? 

Black Book Fair Recap

The Neophyte Author was on the move again this weekend at the Black Book Fair hosted by the Brooklyn Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta.

This is my second year in attendance and it was even better than last year.

Here’s a little photo recap:


Candid shot of my table and me.


My first supporter of the day!!!


The Kevin Powell discussing the importance of supporting women and young people in our community.


Abena Sidibe, an educator, blogger, supporter, and friend. BTW go follow her on Twitter @mindbrainfanatic


The shoe of the day! #feetonfleek


A selfie with Kevin Powell (he bought a book y’all) !!! I was over the moon. I met Kevin Powell, my table was besides his, and he purchased a book.


My mom came through to support me.


A little behind the scenes selfie stick fun with author, TC Spellen.


With the dopest big sister in a literary game. She holds me down at every event and every author that is my friend.

This event was well organized and a lot of my author buddies were in attendance. I would say I can’t wait until next year, but I’ve got another event coming up next weekend.

Oh the go, on my grind, knowing that God’s promises are not far behind. How do you stay sane when you’re on the go? What events are you looking forward attending this year?