#MompreneurMonday Produce 3 Ways to Get Over Being Busy and Start Being Productive

Has this ever happened to you–24 hours have past and you’ve spent it doing this and that, but you feel like you’ve done nothing? You’ve definitely been busy. You’re perspiring and a good chunk of your to-do list has been checked off, but the time has not been productive. Most likely if you’ve had this experience or a similar one I know what else you’re experiencing or rather not experiencing.

to do list mom.jpeg

You’re not experiencing any type of prosperity or growth in your business. Things are happening here and there, but nothing that you could anchor yourself on.

Are you over it?

I’m over it.

Yes, this has happened to me. The first step for getting over it was one having a reality check. This tip is a bonus tip. A friend of mine sat me down and said, “Nigeria, we need to figure this out. We need to figure out what’s blocking you.” After that conversation I discovered two things that were blocking me and one of them was I was too busy to be productive.

Mompreneur, it’s time to break from being busy and not being productive and move into prosperity and growth.  Here are the three things you need to:

  1. Meditate. Psalms 1 recommends you mediate on the word of God both day and night and whatsoever you do shall prosper. Set some time up for meditating on the word of God. If you’re not used to this start with one minute a day. When you get it down pact include the family too.
  2. Automate. Automate. Automate. You can’t automate when you’re kids are going to need you to take them to the hospital and you can’t automate playing with them in the park, but you can automate your email sequences, you can automate/schedule your social media updates and respond to notifications at a later time.
  3. Organize. Instead of having things posted on a ton of different calendars and good ideas in different books and your to-do list somewhere else put it all together in one place, so you don’t have to waste time scratching your head trying to figure out what’s going on.

If you want access to a solid planner that combines everything a millennial mompreneur and faith based owner need to get organized and get PAID click here to order the Passion and Purpose Planner.


IMG_6881Can I tell you why the Passion and Purpose Planner was conceived??? Many people only share their strong side on social media, but let me keep it real with you I am organizationally challenged and easily distracted. That makes motherhood and managing a business hard. In order for a business to succeed you need organization, focus, and discipline and for a faith based brand to make bank Christ has to remain at the center. So, I created a planner that combined every aspect of running a 21st Century Faith Based Biz. 👉🏾👉🏾Click here: www.inheritancebooks.co/PassionandPurposePlanner to order your Passion and Purpose Planner Quarterly Planner. Take a look inside the Passion and Purpose Planner. 

#WriterWednesday 16 Big Things From 2016

The end of the year always demands introspection and reflection, especially for me. As the year changes so does my age. I was blessed enough to be born on the last day of the year, so I am always looking back. 2016 was a bang up year for America– black men were killed at alarming rates, Trump was elected President, and many of the 80s and 70s’ pop icon that we grew up with passed away.

But we pressed on, at least I did. I didn’t do everything I set out to do, but 2016 was a break through year for me as an author. Check out the year in rewind and hopefully a literary jewel or two will trickle from this post into your lap.

  1. The very first reading I participated in was a paid reading and I sold books at the event. Could you imagine my shock, that I would be paid to read from my own book. Speeches I understand, but I never expected to be paid just to be just to read my work.

2. I started coaching authors. Some of my authors booked me to work on their writing and some of them booked me to teach them marketing strategies. Some of them listened and some of them didn’t. LOL.  In the end we both were stretched and grew. Wanna work with me too? To book your Publishing Pow-Wow today click here or click the photo below.


3. I got a chance meet Kevin Powell. We were seated beside each other at the Black Book Fair. He bought a book and signed up for my mailing list. I don’t know if he read said book, but I was excited nonetheless for a potential new reader. As long as he has the book the possibility is there.

Me and the legendary Kevin Powell
4. I became a staff writer for Memoirs of a Virtuous Woman. If you’re a Christian woman trying to live right and deal with real issues you need to pop over there. This position was a great win because someone that I worked with (Why did I type that past tense? Was that prophetic? I hope so.) someone that I work with was very adamant about me ditching Jesus and just writing for a secular platform. I said no and a month later I got this gig, which ultimately landed me in the Memoirs of a Virtuous Woman magazine as well. Whatever your convictions are hold onto them. 



5. I met with a live bookclub here in New York City. Bookclubs are secret societies. The only way in is if you know somebody that knows somebody. Thankfully at my first reading of the year I met somebody who was a member of the Sugar and Spice bookclub. Many authors live off of bookclubs and as a new author while I recommend connecting with bookclubs invest your efforts in connecting with readers; they will always lead you to more readers whether they run in packs or not. 


6. I went to Chicago. I didn’t do anything touristy, but I totally and completely loved attending, Book It. I had such a great time I’m going back again in 2017 by God’s grace. I also had the opportunity to meet some readers whom I know and love online in the flesh. 

7. I finally learned how to properly promote my books and brand on Instagram. Yes, for real. I learned how to promote myself and my work and actually make sales. Want to learn as well? I wrote a book about it and taught a class on it make sure you grab each one Influence to Income Workbook and Influence to Income Video

8. I learned the power of going Live streaming. After teaching one class while Live streaming I booked a gig to teach a Smart Social Media Management class for authors.


9. I took the whole entire family to a book event. First of all the kids are already on the payroll, but we let the hubs tag along. We all made it out alive, so maybe just maybe I’ll let them join me on the road again.


10.  I got invited to speak at a library in North Carolina. Now that was a sore spot for me because every time I tried to book a trip or talk at a local library as someone suggested to me a long time ago it just never went right and then BAM! I got an invite. Though it is often said you shouldn’t wait for an opportunity you should create your own recognize that sometimes it’s just not your time. While there I met the and ate dinner with the Victorious Ladies Reading and if you don’t know who they are you better ask somebody. 

11. I wrote and published my first non-fiction book, Pursuing Your Passion in a Godly Fashion: Prayers for Creative Christians and Entrepreneurs. 



12. I sold out of Pursuing Your Passion in a Godly Fashion on the day of its release at the Christian Book Lover’s Retreat (which if you haven’t registered for it, please do yourself a favor and register). 

14. I finally made up in my mind that no matter what goes on around me I would write until God tells me to have a seat. 

15. I returned to my first love several times this year. I wrote some poetry. One of my poems was retweeted by Errol Lewis of NY1. Of course, I had  to tag him first.


Dear America

16. Opportunities abound and possibility is everywhere you just have to seek it, speak it, and walk in it. 

How was 2016 for you??? Share some of your highlights and lessons with me.


#MompreneurMonday Get Respect While Working From Home

R-E-S-P-E-C-T isn’t that what all small business owners want? Of course, but sometimes it can be really difficult for a mompreneur to get some respect while working from home.

Raise your hand if you know what I mean. You’ve got the kids running around, the husband making requests, and those pesky Facebook notifications can be downright disrespectful.

The only way to get respect is to demand it.



Not quite like this, even though that’s how you may feel.

What you have to do be firm and about your business. Just like you would at your 9 to 5 create an environment that demands every member of your household respects your mompreneur hustle. It might be a fight and difficult for them to see it and grasp it, but go for it.

Here are 3 tips to create an environment of respect for your home based business:

  1. Set office hours. Sometimes your day will just run together, but realistically if you want people to respect what you do have to set the tone. Some of my early Periscope videos and live classes have traces of my children’s voices in the background. Then I finally sat them down and explained the seriousness of what I’m doing and now I have almost no background voices in my training. Put your foot down and explain it in a language that they understand. Just like your kids or husband can’t just pop up in the middle of a meeting at your office they can’t just pop up while you’re working at home.
  2. Keep your working space a working space. I don’t care if you have a table top tray or full-fledged office (I’m IN between the two. I have a cubicle) keep all non-business related items out of your working space. Evict all the sippy cups, crayons, etc. Make your working space working space. As your family sees you respect your working space they will.
  3. Quantify your contributions or  your potential contributions. Just like you would go before your boss for an annual review, sit down with the hubs or your partner and show them what your are earning and how those earnings have enhanced the household. If you’re just starting out–show your mate what the earning potential is and how much time you need to put to reach that point. Most men will be all for a few extra dollars coming in without you have to go out to get them.

Will it be easy? Absolutely not. You might have to struggle a little while to get into a routine that works for the family and has you feeling like the boss you are. Fight for it though. Your contribution is valuable and your dreams are worthy of respect.

Which one of these tips will you implement today? What tips to have for your fellow mompreneurs who are looking for some respect.

Happy Independence Day! Celebrate with a Free Download!

Happy Independence day!


True freedom isn’t manifested in a law, but in the condition of a person’s heart. One sure way to obtain freedom is to forgive. Holding onto hurt, grudges, and resentment is bondage. Be free today and forgive someone. In celebration of Independence Day the Neophyte Author is offering a free download of the short story “Lasting Instructions“. This download will only be available for a limited time only!

I hope you enjoy it and look forward to hearing your thoughts on “Lasting Instructions”

Happy 4th of July!

Celebrate Safely and Wisely! 

More Than Monday featuring Nigeria Q. Rolling-Ford of Couture Cake Boutique

The Neophyte Author is excited to present a woman who went into business to dispel the myth that black businesses have horrible customer service. This week’s “More Than” Monday feature is a sweet treat coming from a mom who demonstrated the characteristics of a Proverbs 31 woman when it came time to provide for her family. Nigeria Rolling-Ford owner of Couture Cake Boutique, LLC shares how to overcome when you feel like giving up and the process of re-branding, which is something important to consider when trying to elevate your business or stand out from the crowd. Not only is Nigeria a great baker she’s my name twin (LOL).

What motivated you to start Couture Cake Boutique?

Couture Cake Boutique began with the realization that my family’s financial needs outpaced what we were currently earning. We would corset cakesoon have a high school senior that would need a ton of financial help and I needed to generate more income by doing something that I loved to do.

Your company recently underwent the process of rebranding–can you explain what that is and what prompted you to do this?

Yes. Rebranding is when a business changes their logo, mission statement, and/or advertising with the goal of taking the business to another level.

My rebranding began in January of 2014.  As I mentioned earlier, when I began this business it was more out of a financial need.  However, Lil Man Bronx Fondant Cakeas my customer base began to explode through word of mouth and social media, I decided to make a real go at it with the hopes of being able to one day leave my day job and focus solely on Couture Cake Boutique.

How do find time for yourself in the midst of running your own business, running a family, and working full-time?

I multi-task.  Those of us who are moms or actually anyone in today’s fast-paced world knows what it means to wear multiple hats.  I have extended hours and am always available to return a request for a quote or question from a client simply due today’s technology.

Has there ever been a moment in which you considered giving up? How did you resist that feeling?

Yes.  I recently took on a job that was larger than I could handle.  This particular job simply did not turn out well and I was crushed.  I wanted to all but hide under a rock.  But, I learned what my limits are.  The very next day my phone began to ring off the hook with potentialruffle cake business.  Lol.  We don’t actually have phone hooks anymore.

What advice would you give to any woman who desires to be “more than”?

My advice to any woman who desires to be “more than” is to simply be more than.  Sometimes if you walk in the actions of what you want to be, you will find that you have become just that.


For some custom made cakes, cupcakes, and excellent customer service (trust me I know Couture Cake Boutique supplied the cupcakes for the Born at Dawn Cover Reveal Party) please visit Couture Cake Boutique online at: 

Moms on the Run: Why do Moms take off?

Photo Credit, Deviant Art
Photo Credit, Deviant Art

Blame it on choice. Blame it on chance. Blame it on circumstance. Blame it on their finances.  Regardless of the cause  moms are on the run and they’re running away from their families. In a recent interview on the Sharvette Mitchell Radio Show this week I was asked about Cynthia Barclay, the protagonist of Born at Dawn, decision to abandon her responsibilities not only to her husband, but to her children as well and run away. While Cynthia’s decision seems unfathomable in many of our eyes it is a reality presented in Isaiah 49:15 “Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb?…” and it is becoming an increasing reality in our country. The number of children being raised solely by their fathers was up to two million in 2011 based on statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau. 

One of the most recent and publicized cases of a mother running away was Brenda Heist who dropped her children off at school one day and did not return. According to an article by Erik Ortiz, Heist ran away due to the distress brought on by an impending divorce and the stark reality that she would soon become the sole provider for her family. When she returned home after eleven years Heist was not greeted by a marching band. Her daughter lashed out publicly and basically said you should have stayed where you were at because we’re dong fine without you.

Barbara Heist Photo Courtesy of Fox Tampa Bay
Barbara Heist Photo Courtesy of Fox Tampa Bay

Did she deserve to be welcomed home or chastised for abandoning her responsibility to her then eleven year old son and eight year old daughter?

Regardless of what we think of these women’s decision there is a great promise connected to their absenteeism from God. The rest of verse fifteen of Isaiah forty-nine gores on to say “yea, they [mothers] may forget, yet will I not forget thee.”

Sound-off: What do you think is the leading cause behind mother’s abandoning their families? Is their any justification for a woman abandoning their family? What do you think should be done to help them? Be sure to pre-order Born at Dawn to find out how the Barclay’s handle Cynthia’s disappearance.